I'm a former very active player just returning to the world of NW after a long break. Currently I'm a HR 2.1k running through the campaigns but I realise I'm missing out by not being in a guild. I'm busy with a family and job so my play time can be limited. Looking for a drama free guild which plays for fun, but I'm happy to contribute in whatever way I can. PS I'm in Europe
No donations required, but inactive players are removed on a regular basis to keep the roster healthy. Our only rule is don't be a d!ck.
We're GH 8, Market 4, Barracks 4. We'll have GH 9 later today and at least Stable 2, with Stable up to 4 in the next few days. We're a Gauntlet in the Look Good Play Good alliance.
Feel free to message me on XB - gamer tag is Dread Venomous.