My HR recently hit 124 power points. He had 123 spent and 1 available because of the bug with Tier 4 Aspect of the Pack. He uses this class feature often enough that I'd left it at tier 3 to avoid the radius bug.
The character levelled up again just now and received another power point, for a total of 125. That is more than he could spend even after taking all powers at Tier 4.
It looks like there is either no cap in place for power points or if there is it's going off points spent rather than the total of points spent plus points available.
If you do fix this, please replace the power point with something else useful rather than just removing it for people who are at 124.
You might also want to look at how power points are gained from the Sharandar Campaign task 'Assist the War Effort'.
If there is ever another level cap increase it will be nice to have spare power points sitting around for then.
I got another one today for a total of 126 now and I'm still a little worried it might cause a problem if I ever respec the character or that it might set off some anti-exploit code.
We'll see, I guess.
Can you add this bug to your internal database?
"Underdark Campaign: Players can now refine Faerzress once the campaign has been completed."
Dead🔪I don't think the current over points are bugs... let's see what happens.
The "glowing C" button in the topbar is pathetic and ridiculous to me.
Dead🔪Why would I keep processing Faerzress (except for keys) after I achieved the 5th boon?