will the gateway ever be getting an update?
the loot i get is fine but the gear i get is not lvl 70 and would rather the items that drop be lvl 70 from gateway.
also when i am doing professions sometimes i have to double click to claim my items. rarely but sometimes i have to close gateway to finish doing professions.
when i am doing gateway sometimes it reroll my dice and i end up winning or loosing some of the fights in the sword coast adventures.
cant tier 6 sword coast drop better ranked enchants/runestones?
can gateway have some way to organize the inventory and move stuff around/ when i am at gateway the only way to organize inventory is to use the sort button but moving things myself would be better?
EDIT: would it be possible to have a random dungeon generator for the sword coast adventures so thier not so predictable?
pretty sure that's all i can think of from the top of my head as to general questions. though the only important one is if gateway will ever be updated or if sword coast adventures is gonna get upgraded loot.