I have been playing games for a very! long time from table top games like Marvel to DnD and more recently WoW to Neverwinter. And let's be honest nothing beats you first character. There are exceptions of course:P So since this suppose to be all about community , I thought we go around the forums and possibly share our first character? And I will of course go first.
As for my first character , I went with a GWF called Red Sonja after both the 80's staring Brigitte Nielsen. which happens to be one of my favorite movies as well:) The kind you watch for "giggles" and also the comic book character be Robert E. Howard as well. She also has the fiery trademark hair. But My version wields a GreatAxe instead of a GreatSword. I'll try and add a picture? But in the meantime I will add a couple of images , So you can get the idea.
So anyone else care to share?
Still lowish level though, about to hit 47.
yes Jager Tharn and Dagoth Ur are TES references.
Archon - CW, Stormmage - L37Only lvl 45 but I am having a blast healing through dungeons and skirmishes. I just love how you can keep everyone alive while hitting the bad guys like crazy:)