I seem to be the only Devotion OP in my Guild and Alliance. I don't see many around in PuGs when I'm on my other toons, and I often get placed in TotDG and PoM with multiple Protection OPs. So this begs the question, how rare are we? There are protection paladins everywhere.
Another question I have...I saw someone mention the goat companion was worthless. I've had one for quite a while, as I can't afford bonding runestones. What's wrong with the goat? It was way cheaper than a Ioun or cat.
Last, I'm just about 22 twisted ichor away from both pieces of the twisted set. Is this significantly better than the burning set? I'm having a hard time finding edemo groups because 1)I'm not a DC and 2) fewer people have been running it lately. I can cobble together the AD to buy the elemental set or struggle another few weeks to get edemo groups.
yes healadins are really really rare and i think devotion paladins are rare because: most of players who choose paladin they are choose protection because that one is better for solo, way more powerful (damage output) and if someone want to be a healer they are usually not going to use paladin because paladins can't place their heal anywhere like a dc. as a healadin your ally have to be near to you and also dcs' have better buffs than healadins.
i don't know much about the goat companion but probably it's cheaper because of the slots. defense or offense and i'm sure the equipment slots are sux too on that too. maybe it's don't have ring slot?! i don't know but i think this is the reason why it's cheaper than other augments.
you have to go for the twisted set. yes maybe it's takes more time to get but worth to collect them. instead of buy the elemental weapon cache save ad for an ioun stone of might
EDIT: but if you like your healadin don't go for another class or paragon just because less people chose that one. healadins have the most powerful heals better than clerics but harder to heal someone who isn't near to you.
I can't talk to the Goat companion, I've never wanted one. So I don't have it. As for your weapons, I'd continue to get the eDemo groups. The set bonus is very nice and will quickly out perform your fire weapons.
Benyr d'Lawgood - 3.2k Healadin - Build
Blackruby d'Fallenangel - 2.2k TR (PVE)
Point 1 - The entire reason we're not the favored healing class right now is two-fold. a) we just got nerfed and our main abilities (consistant healing with damage mitigation and PVE damage de/buffs) just took a nosedive. No problem. We can overcome this with gear, playstyle changes and forward thinking. b) DC's have an awesome power stat buff that goes insane when coupled with the GF Power "Into the Fray." Don't ask me what the DC power/ability is, I don't know the name. I do know that with just a DC in party, my baby TR with 17k power suddenly jumped to 150k power and was doing damage like a character with an iLVL 1000 points ahead of her. This makes the DC healing class the favored version between us two. Remember, you don't have to heal if the monster is already dead.
Point 2 - The GF/DC power stat buff combo is getting nerfed. How bad its going to be, we don't really know yet. However, everyone is crying/whining at this point. My speculation is that the combo will be useful still, just not as desirable as it once was.
Original post for GF ITF nerf: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/10080453-class-balance%3A-guardian-fighter
If you don't understand the DC/GF power combo:
By nerfing this ability, this should put DC's and OP Healadins on equal ground. If you have a weaker party and want a healer that will guarantee your safety, get an OP. If you want a healer that will be able to help you kill quicker, call a DC.
Point 3 - There is talk (please read as RUMOR, SPECULATION, etc.) in the developer forums about a new form of damage called Everfrost. Basically, if you get hit by a weapon or a monster with this trait, you take an additional 50% damage that is typed as "everfrost" and the secondary damage is unmitigatable. There are resistances for it built into armors and items to be found in Mod 11 ( More speculation),
The implication is that without the ability to power through and kill things quickly with the GF/DC power combo, you're going to need a healing class that can help you weather through the first few critical hits. Thats where the OP Healadins come in. We are designed exactly for that type of healing in both the Light and the Justice Paragon trees.
For more information on Everfrost damage: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1218608/everfrost-damage
Where does that leave us? We need to up our game, get ready for heavy healing required, and learn how to coordinate better with our tank and DPS in the party. But, as always, this is just my two cents. I can be wrong just as easily as anyone else.
Benyr d'Lawgood - 3.2k Healadin - Build
Blackruby d'Fallenangel - 2.2k TR (PVE)
Benyr d'Lawgood - 3.2k Healadin - Build
Blackruby d'Fallenangel - 2.2k TR (PVE)
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
Benyr d'Lawgood - 3.2k Healadin - Build
Blackruby d'Fallenangel - 2.2k TR (PVE)
The tankadin provides more competition for the healadin in most people's eyes. Some protection pallys can provide healing for the party as well. Not near as much as devotion, but plenty enough for current content, if you build for it. Can use bane, share power, and use the same damage buffing auras as devotion, and throw in some dps as well. The extra aggro abilities seem to be useless. My build seems to draw aggro just fine, however holding it permanently can be a struggle and the aggro abilities don't seem to make any difference.
These are the reasons why I feel most people choose to run protection, and I am not saying one is better than the other, but obviously I do have my personal preference
And I don't know why people don't like healadins in edemo... I freaking love them when I am on my hunter. Especially when I was lower geared, that dot was a pain. And I love the insta-heal when I get stunned and red circles pop up all around me.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
Good question and its one I've asked myself "why we are so undesirable compared to the DC and the GF?" Here's a scenario that might explain it. Your at the Nevermart Superstore picking up some seals and possible some artifacts. At the Nevermart you must choose between two lines for all your shopping needs.
One is the Pank and Healadin line. The other is the DC/GF line which is moving twice as fast as the Pank/Healadin line. So, which line would you rather stand in the line that's moving twice as fast or the line that moves two times slower? If its me I'm going to the line that moves twice as fast as I hate standing in lines and just want to get my shopping out of the way. I can hardly blame players for wanting to choose the faster line when I myself would do the same.