I'm interested in Joining this Guild as i don't use a mic as i have 3 kids so would rather not have them screaming down the mic, I'm also an active member.
PSN: EarthQuake-EM Name in Game: EarthQuake (Will be changing that soon)
I'm interested in Joining this Guild as i don't use a mic as i have 3 kids so would rather not have them screaming down the mic, I'm also an active member.
PSN: EarthQuake-EM Name in Game: EarthQuake (Will be changing that soon)
Character name: Lunick
PSN: mustang1853
Character name: Zesstriel
PSN: VexColdbringer
Character Name: Kain
PSN: everkilla666
Character name: monky007
PSN: Monkyy007
Character name. imaginate
Psn. Arkainap
Character name: Bak Thazar
PSN: EarthQuake-EM
Name in Game: EarthQuake (Will be changing that soon)
character: Ninuil (42 TR)
PS ID: tinobeanzi
PSN: Black-n-Gold42
Name in game: Zarchaun
Thank you.:)
character: Chicane
PSN: Jantalb
Psn: xdarkknightx09
Let me know when your on, so I can leave the random guild im in.
Psn - Timpetus
Character - Timmas
character name: devilishstare
Psn: barcodeblack8
PSN ShiroeRT in game name Philia.
Great for no chat needed. I have hard time talking to people, so yeah :P
Lvl 60