Villanousity is a democratic guild so we're set up a bit differently then most as we're set for long term security.
I'll list what roles are filled by what rank in regards to both the guild settings and guild bank permissions.
Rank 1 is set to only use guild chat and buy bank slots (not that we have any left) and in the guild bank, rank 1 can only take from the pots, kits and scrolls tab.
Rank 2 are the same as rank 1 but get the extra permission to invite to the guild and can take a few more items from the guild bank.
Rank 3 can see officer chat and comments and as full forum members they can remove items from all bank tabs except the raffle tabs
Rank 4 has the additional permissions of creating guild events and taking over guild events as well as being able to donate items to the raffle tab but not remove.
Rank 5 can do everything except rename guild ranks, rename guild, set guild perms, demote, promote to any rank, set alliance settings or destroy structures.
Rank 6 is the elected guild leader and they can do everything except rename the guild, promote to any rank or destroy structures. They are in charge of doling out raffle items for the weekly raffle.
Rank 7 is reserved for the guild caretaker who is someone who has been in the guild for 16+ years but doesn't play neverwinter. They log in monthly or when requested to add to the alliance. All other guild maintenance is managed by rank 4, 5 and 6.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
edited July 2016
What officers expected to do... hmm.. Farm influence. Work to provide shiny things for the guild leader, like Tensers disc !
barbaraburnsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 34Arc User
Guild Rank Descriptions
Officers .. Trusted, opinionated, speak their mind ppl who contribute ---as they can--- in time, ideas, guild events etc that everyone can count on to be there for them & to advocate for them when they are online in the game .. These people have BUSY real lives so they do not always have the time to get super-actively involved in daily guild life with us.
Senior Officers ... Trusted, opinionated, speak their mind ppl who are actively getting involved in daily-weekly guild life, taking charge of whatever they see or think needs taken care of, etc and on their way to Guild Leader.
Guild Leader is where I WANT everyone to be eventually &/or ASAP .. if at all possible ... no baby sitter required but not wanting to play God either ... ... Trusted, opinionated, speak their mind ppl that are social, helpful to all, honest and having lots of fun while being respectful to everyone in or out of guild and creating fun events and handing out prizes etc ... the main guild leadership lives right here.
The Final Word is for those times that all these strong minded opinionated ppl ... from recruit to Guild Leader ... who will not always agree with each other
... but so that we have productive discussions and reasonable rational decisions that benefit the entire guild by consensus of ppl who see things from various angles not just one and who discuss it together like adults. It takes VERY special ppl to put aside the "power" aspect of Leadership to advocate for all guild & guildies best interests and to also take the responsibility of being the bad guy when guildies are angry about changes that they personally do not like or want
EVERYONE has a say and their input is valued ... but if they do not say it .. we cannot listen to them.
It is the Final Word's job: 1. to ask if someone's voice has not been heard as well as lead the consensus building to find what the majority think is the right direction 2. or to make some of those "final" decisions based on "standard ordinary guild operating procedures" ... ie. if you are in 2 guilds you must contribute to both guilds not just one 3. or to kick ppl out that cannot be respectful to guildies or alliance members, etc
Hope you have a great day!
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
I will get back to this topic later as I do not have much time, right now. In fact we actually have a full representation of the job descriptions for every rank. I will not share it here as that is for us to use.
I will say this much that, currently, Civil Anarchy has a ruling council, r7s, of 5 long time fully invested members who have been running the everyday management of the guild. Our r6s are there to run things if an r7 is not on. Meaning if there is any drama... it is recorded and handed off to the r7s to discuss. An r6 is promoted on a lot of different criteria, from r5. Since there is a huge responsibility gap between r4 and r5... moving to r5 has become one where we ask if they would be interested.
One of the requirements for being an r6 or r7... in an expertise in at least one class.
The last part of our drama ended a few weeks ago... since then we have bee running very smooth with over 100 active accounts in the guild.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
I'll list what roles are filled by what rank in regards to both the guild settings and guild bank permissions.
Rank 1 is set to only use guild chat and buy bank slots (not that we have any left) and in the guild bank, rank 1 can only take from the pots, kits and scrolls tab.
Rank 2 are the same as rank 1 but get the extra permission to invite to the guild and can take a few more items from the guild bank.
Rank 3 can see officer chat and comments and as full forum members they can remove items from all bank tabs except the raffle tabs
Rank 4 has the additional permissions of creating guild events and taking over guild events as well as being able to donate items to the raffle tab but not remove.
Rank 5 can do everything except rename guild ranks, rename guild, set guild perms, demote, promote to any rank, set alliance settings or destroy structures.
Rank 6 is the elected guild leader and they can do everything except rename the guild, promote to any rank or destroy structures. They are in charge of doling out raffle items for the weekly raffle.
Rank 7 is reserved for the guild caretaker who is someone who has been in the guild for 16+ years but doesn't play neverwinter. They log in monthly or when requested to add to the alliance. All other guild maintenance is managed by rank 4, 5 and 6.
Farm influence. Work to provide shiny things for the guild leader, like Tensers disc !
Guild Rank Descriptions
Officers .. Trusted, opinionated, speak their mind ppl who contribute ---as they can--- in time, ideas, guild events etc that everyone can count on to be there for them & to advocate for them when they are online in the game .. These people have BUSY real lives so they do not always have the time to get super-actively involved in daily guild life with us.
Senior Officers ... Trusted, opinionated, speak their mind ppl who are actively getting involved in daily-weekly guild life, taking charge of whatever they see or think needs taken care of, etc and on their way to Guild Leader.
Guild Leader is where I WANT everyone to be
The Final Word is for those times that all these strong minded opinionated ppl ... from recruit to Guild Leader ... who will not always agree with each other
... but so that we have productive discussions and reasonable rational decisions that benefit the entire guild by consensus of ppl who see things from various angles not just one and who discuss it together like adults.
It takes VERY special ppl to put aside the "power" aspect of Leadership to advocate for all guild & guildies best interests and to also take the responsibility of being the bad guy when guildies are angry about changes that they personally do not like or want
EVERYONE has a say and their input is valued ... but if they do not say it .. we cannot listen to them.
It is the Final Word's job:
1. to ask if someone's voice has not been heard as well as lead the consensus building to find what the majority think is the right direction
2. or to make some of those "final" decisions based on "standard ordinary guild operating procedures" ... ie. if you are in 2 guilds you must contribute to both guilds not just one
3. or to kick ppl out that cannot be respectful to guildies or alliance members, etc
I will say this much that, currently, Civil Anarchy has a ruling council, r7s, of 5 long time fully invested members who have been running the everyday management of the guild.
Our r6s are there to run things if an r7 is not on. Meaning if there is any drama... it is recorded and handed off to the r7s to discuss. An r6 is promoted on a lot of different criteria, from r5.
Since there is a huge responsibility gap between r4 and r5... moving to r5 has become one where we ask if they would be interested.
One of the requirements for being an r6 or r7... in an expertise in at least one class.
The last part of our drama ended a few weeks ago... since then we have bee running very smooth with over 100 active accounts in the guild.