Any fellow suffers here?
![:) :)](
Currently got a fair few characters in and around the level 20 range. Mostly a mix of Dragonborn (Wizard & Rogue), Menzo Drow (Warlock & Ranger) and a solitary Human (Cleric) who is probably just the highest level at 26 I think.
Seriously loving this game and the classes are fun to play, but my Alt-o-Holism is back at full strength.
Am I alone in this?
I have two characters in the wing waiting for me to finish my main. All my characters are of the healing type.
My main is a Dragonborn Cleric
My alts are Halfing Paladin and Half-Elf Warlock.
I played DCUO and had about 10 characters with 7 of them being end game with basically best gear. My main got the most love and had all the best of the best for equipment, gems/mods, etc....
I enjoyed DCUO too. Had a fair few characters but kept going back to Rage heroes as I just loved the gameplay of that.
> I normally do that as well but with an MMO it is best to get one character to max level and try to get them best gear. I usually do everything on that character, it takes time but when it is all said and done, your main will be strong and than playing alt you will know what to do the second time, speeding up the process and by the third character, it becomes even easier.
> I have two characters in the wing waiting for me to finish my main. All my characters are of the healing type.
> My main is a Dragonborn Cleric
> My alts are Halfing Paladin and Half-Elf Warlock.
> I played DCUO and had about 10 characters with 7 of them being end game with basically best gear. My main got the most love and had all the best of the best for equipment, gems/mods, etc....
sup buddy =-) yea i already have 5 my main being a op Devotion hybrid
I also played Atomic, Munitions, Rage, Earth, Ice, Gadgets, Quantum, Celestial, Sorcery, and Nature toons. I am fully bored of that game now.
I just bought two more packs giving me two more character slots.
> > @mebengalsfan#9264 said:
> > I normally do that as well but with an MMO it is best to get one character to max level and try to get them best gear. I usually do everything on that character, it takes time but when it is all said and done, your main will be strong and than playing alt you will know what to do the second time, speeding up the process and by the third character, it becomes even easier.
> >
> > I have two characters in the wing waiting for me to finish my main. All my characters are of the healing type.
> >
> > My main is a Dragonborn Cleric
> > My alts are Halfing Paladin and Half-Elf Warlock.
> >
> > I played DCUO and had about 10 characters with 7 of them being end game with basically best gear. My main got the most love and had all the best of the best for equipment, gems/mods, etc....
> sup buddy =-) yea i already have 5 my main being a op Devotion hybrid
> Not much. What level are you at right now? I'm at level 41 with 4 alts now all level 1. Will play those guys later once my main is end game with a Item Level around 2K.
im lvl31 OP with 4 alts all around lvl 4
im not really bored with DC as ill never stop playing it but with that large content gap coming and most of my league mates on both sides taking breaks i needed another time drain and been waiting on this game for ever.
I dropped some $$$ for Dragonborn, Champion of the North, Weapon Pack, VIP, and Early Access bundle. Do I regret any of these purchases, NO. Yeah it cost me close to $200 but who cares. I'm loving it.
The main thing you should be using your alts for is leadership. Once you get their leadership to 25 you can start pumping out a lot of the RP you'll need to refine artifact equipment. The downside is it takes ~ three months to get a character to level 25 leadership.
I wouldn't really focus on gearing alts until you have one character to 3k because a that point you can run content fast enough that you can justify putting resources into gearing alts. Wards and RP are crazy expensive relative to the AD you can earn so overall Neverwinter is a pretty alt unfriendly game. At the same time it's not really worth getting to BiS since the best way to earn more AD is running a bunch of alts through dungeons.
> > @mebengalsfan#9264 said:
> > > @mebengalsfan#9264 said:
> >
> > > I normally do that as well but with an MMO it is best to get one character to max level and try to get them best gear. I usually do everything on that character, it takes time but when it is all said and done, your main will be strong and than playing alt you will know what to do the second time, speeding up the process and by the third character, it becomes even easier.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > I have two characters in the wing waiting for me to finish my main. All my characters are of the healing type.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > My main is a Dragonborn Cleric
> >
> > > My alts are Halfing Paladin and Half-Elf Warlock.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > I played DCUO and had about 10 characters with 7 of them being end game with basically best gear. My main got the most love and had all the best of the best for equipment, gems/mods, etc....
> >
> >
> >
> > sup buddy =-) yea i already have 5 my main being a op Devotion hybrid
> >
> > Not much. What level are you at right now? I'm at level 41 with 4 alts now all level 1. Will play those guys later once my main is end game with a Item Level around 2K.
> im lvl31 OP with 4 alts all around lvl 4
> im not really bored with DC as ill never stop playing it but with that large content gap coming and most of my league mates on both sides taking breaks i needed another time drain and been waiting on this game for ever.
> I'm a big D&D person. Played pen and paper AD&D 1st and 2nd edition back 20+ years ago now. I also played all D&D computer games up to NWN2. I was disappointed when I heard this was coming to XBone a year ago but not PS4. Than I got wind that it was coming to PS4 and heard it was releasing this summer, same time DCUO has an extended break. I figured why not go all into Neverwinter and I have.
> I dropped some $$$ for Dragonborn, Champion of the North, Weapon Pack, VIP, and Early Access bundle. Do I regret any of these purchases, NO. Yeah it cost me close to $200 but who cares. I'm loving it.
dang you really went all in i cant lie Ive easily spent close to a hundred i wish i would have gotten dragon born but it will have to wait. i have bought the early access bundle and the vip to rank 4 and the heirloom pack and a few bags
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I think the Dragonborn Rogue and Wizard will likely be my first characters to hit 30 though for sure.
Rogue seems solid fun from the start. The ability to essentially one-shot enemies in an initial attack is very cool. It also looks awesome. Mine is still level 29 though, so I do need to push him to 30 and pick up his advanced class.
I think over time I will push all classes to 30 to see how they start to develop. Although, with the best will in the world I don't really seem to like Hunter Ranger for some reason.
Next on the list to level is a Warlock though.
> Ive got my main at 70, and 4 alts in the 15-20 range. got them to 11 and just parked them in front of the altar of the gods for invoking
lol i have done something similar I have 3 lvl 13s outside of my main just hanging out in the invoking area so i can rake in the free AD and other currencies
regardless im going to grab the vault of the 9 quest when they are 60 and have someone run me through them
> i wouldnt say im an alt a holic. i just try every class to lvl 10 to decide what i like best. i have always done this.
> I tend to do this too, but classes change I find as you level them. Control Wizard seems very single target focused at lower levels but when you hit 30 you can suddenly start developing aoe abilities which changes the tone (and fun) of the class. Not a fan of Control Wizard 1-29 but from 30 on I love it.
> Rogue seems solid fun from the start. The ability to essentially one-shot enemies in an initial attack is very cool. It also looks awesome. Mine is still level 29 though, so I do need to push him to 30 and pick up his advanced class.
> I think over time I will push all classes to 30 to see how they start to develop. Although, with the best will in the world I don't really seem to like Hunter Ranger for some reason.
> Next on the list to level is a Warlock though.
tried the wizard and did not like. i would like to try more, but with only 3 slots it kinda hard.
Gender: Male
Race: Dragonborn
Class: Devoted Cleric
Level/Item Level: 68/1667
1st Alt:
Gender: Female
Race: Dragonborn
Class: Oathbound Paladin
Level: 10
2nd Alt:
Gender: Male
Race: Tiefling
Class: Control Wizard
Level: 1
3rd Alt:
Gender: Male
Race: Renegade Drow
Class: Hunter Ranger
Level: 1
4th Alt:
Gender: Female
Race: Halfing
Class: Guardian Fighter
Level: 1
As you can see I have been focused on my main. I want to get to end game ASAP. After I reach end game I will start my end game grind for that character. Once that character has mostly VII or higher runes, mostly epic and legendary gear, and most boons I will work on my 2nd alt.
My 1st alt is used when my wife plays, this way I can tank and heal for her as she sit back and does damage.
Well that is my plan and I see no point in rushing it. I have plenty of time to grind as this game seems to have plenty to do for me for the next couple years.