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The 7 Deadly Sins is Recruiting!

Guild Name: The 7 Deadly Sins

Guild Leader: Kytti and Kytti Liquor
Guild Contact: Tsuki Yami@Kaos Reeper Website:www.the7deadlysinsguild.webs.com
Guild Motto: We have commited the deadliest of sins.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Always(unless we are currently full, in which case we will put you on a list to be added first)
Current Guild Size: 72/150-188/500
Guild Size Goal: MAX
Guild Type: Fun and Helpful
Guild Peak Time Zones: All( have have people from several time zones that play at different times during the day)- Guild Events and Guild activities are set to PST.

Description: We are an extremely active and helpful guild looking for more players to add to our ranks. We are primarily PvE, but do participate in PvP and welcome players who do. We have no requirements to join or stay a member of the guild( we do ask that you donate at least 1 item per Gamertag(not characters) per week as a way to keep track of active status). We usually do runs of Ghost Stories, Vault of the Nine, and other party quests every other day(due to new members and alt accounts). We also have members who do runs of dungeons and skirmishes everyday. As well as zone(Sharindar, Dread Ring, Well of Dragons) clearing groups. We do the Greed of the Dragonflight daily at 6:30 PST. Finally a large majority of us have headsets and talk in parties on Xbox Live(and guildchat because micless guildies need love too). If you're looking for a group of people to have fun and take the pain away from the daily grind, that's us.

P.S. Anyone interested in just having another friend on XBL who plays ever day and is willing to help send me a message.
I am Tsuki Yami@Kaos Reeper
Kaos Reeper is my Xbox Live Gamertag
Also, if you run a guild that puts guildmembers first and wants everyone to succeed. Send me a message and I'll add you to our alliance list( to be used of and when that update comes).
Well I think thats everything thanks for the time and have a sinful day^^
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