Hello everyone. I am Wolf leader of Universe. We recently hit Guild Hall 17 and are cooking our way to 18. We are looking for more players who are committed to the game and a great guild. We've been around since the beginning of the game. I currently play a DC and Paladin. We have a mix of PvE and PvP players, but most of us are PvE.
The Structures we have are Stables 8, Barracks 8, Wizards Workshop 8, Temple 2. We run dragons every night starting with the free one at 6:30 est and ending around 8:30 est, Monday-Friday. Weekends are used to do whatever we want but many of us like to run Siege, Tiamat, or whatever.
We have a monthly raffle which may include artifact sets, refinement, enchants and all kinds of goodies. The raffle is an extra incentive that the items you donate will give you a chance to win something worth your time. As participation grows, the prize value will increase as well. The more you donate, the more entries you will get with no cap.
Dragonflight is mandatory. We all build this guild together and players are expected to show up if you're online every night. The quicker we kill, the more we can run. We kill all 4 every night, usually every run. Accidents happen lol. Dragons are hosted each night by a different sword in our alliance with Fridays being open to any gauntlet who wishes to take a turn.
You must be level 70 with a 2500 IL requirement. This will increase as we beef up our roster. Influence must be done daily. We will know if you do not do them. We understand if you must take time off from game and miss a day.
If you are interested, contact me at MasterWolf56 and I will look for your message. Good luck and thank you.
If I'm not on message GT:Jesterclause or P I T 3 U L L.