Please, consider that changes that are announced on live do not change anything in general for HR in PVP, so HR stays in its current state, if the changes go live.
What's the FIRST thing that should be adressed to make HR balanced with other classes in PVP? 8 votes
the ability that allows HR to proc burst damage in any form or way higher sustained damage
HR needs more survivability

2 votes
HR needs more mobility
1 vote
pve is almost dead since mod6 (content)
and absolutely dead since mod6 end (difficulty)
all pve that people do now is farming orange rings and SH dragons.
and, mate, you are not playing this game, right?
you want piercing damage on HRs because it doesn't affect PVE? Suggest it to the devs. I don't care about the way they boost hr killing abilities in pvp. I just know that should be adressed NOW. I hope devs would understand it too. And i hope it happens before new module pops.
What's the FIRST thing that should be adressed to make HR balanced with other classes in PVP?
1. Remove the possibility to create a Perma-root build, then you can talk about increasing your DPS.
1. There's no perma CC on HR in endgame. And HR CC is mediocre to CW and TR CC.
2. The definition of burst damage doesn't include anything about 1 or 2-shotting people. Ice knife is a burst damage, desintegrate is a burst damage, IBS is a burst damage. If CW hits you with 20-30k, if GWF hits you with 40-60k it still remains the burst damage the same as 150-200k bull charge.
2. "burst may not be enough to kill someone" - yeah, ofc. my point is that hr needs some kind of burst to participate in group focused killing in premades, the same as GWF/TR/GF. Nobody really can clear somebody in 1on1 in premade vs premade without huge luck. All kills that happen in premades are often the result of focused teamwork. And as HR still has not bad CC, his burst must be way smaller than possible GWF burst, for example. I don't want some encounter power on HR to be replaced by shocking execution, because it would be just stupidly OP. Despite PVP community really hates that, and i do not like that idea also, but probably some piercing damage would make a deifference. If slasher's mark was piercing for example, HR still won't be able to kill somebody, but he would do competitive burst damage. And ofc, that would need balancing as well.