While I am talking mostly about my own character here, the questions I mean to raise are mostly about tanks in general and the OP in specific.
My Protection OP is IL2.55, certainly not in monstrous range. In epic content I have to do a lot of stick and move because standing in place even with Sanctuary is certain death, sometimes instant death.
I sort of wonder how tanking even works because there are so many situations where I can simply die, not even take damage just BOOM through two health bars, sanctuary and binding oath and dead. I have seen my yellow health bar ripped away and then the underlying red health bar vanished in an instant, that’s a few hundred thousand points of health vaporized right there.
I am using Sharpedge’s guide so I am running A very defensive build for survival, that’s Templar’s wrath, Binding Oath and something else for taste, circle of Power maybe or bane or Vow of Enmity, something to buff or debuff. Aura of Wisdom and Aura of courage and of course Da Bubble.
Normal PVE content can’t do any damage to me at all but that’s fair because I can’t do much damage to them either.
I get my ticket punched regularly in epic content unless I keep a move on. Beholders will CC me straight through Sanctuary and then burn me down. Elol has some sort of death beam that just straight up kills you, thanks for playing, yer done. DF dragons can breathe me into oblivion and Blue can kill me with incidental who-brought-a-pet AOE. How embarrassing.
I am left wondering what a tank even does in this content. It seems like all the content is just there for huge crit beasts to chew on for a moment and then move on. Not putting out much damage myself I can feel a little useless. And no one really needs me to tank anything anyway. I have never ever heard, “hold the mob tank” or “pull the mob over here tank”. No one cares. The goal is to upend buckets of criticals and no one needs a tank for that.
I read about a cleric who had to take his gear off just to take some damage from Orcus. Sure he might be some insane IL or something but what the actual.
Are there times where I should move and times when I should not?
Will I ever be tougher at higher ILs or will it always be like this?
Am I supposed to be standing solid against Beholders like the bickering pair in your SH?
Am I supposed to be standing in the Red, soaking everything and looking cool?
Is there a trick to this that I am missing?
1. Check your gear lay out. Armor enchant should be shadow clad or negation if you are having trouble with survival........I run negation ( the normal one nothing special) and I run with a mix of restro and ward armor.
2. Check you arp stat try and get that above ( I would say 40%). This can be easily done w/t SH boon. This help with dmamge output for us pallys. I set anywhere from 54% - 90% depending if I us the arp SH boon.
3. Check your power state. As a prot pally our power scale with damage taken. With SH boon mine set around 13-15k and scale from there. This help w/ damage over time. If your power is at a decent level you should be hitting decently hard ( remember we ain't dps ) but we can still hit hard. With boons, buff and a decent power lvl you can get your power above 30k easy w/ minimal effort. With this stat high your divine judgement can hit like a Mack Truck. ( I've seen a divine judgement crit hit for above 300k from another pally in my guild).
3. Get that def state high, this is to get your resting dr % at about 50%. Your can cap it with boons and self buffs. SH boon helps out a lot. Mine sets at about 60% without buffs.
4. Your item lvl doesn't matter much if you have the above at decent lvls. But the higher it goes the easier time you will have tanking.
I'm at ilvl 2835 and I can tank Orcus like a boss with a similar rotation as yours.
Hope this helps, also stay out of the red as much as possible. Play smart, not just run in a smack stuff till it's dead.
• you can also get you crit up some to help with you damage output, this can get to a decent lvl with a combo of restro and ward gear.
• bind oath will kill you if you don't pay attention to it ( time it once it is popped). Figured you know this but with the Templar wrath, binding oath combo is a very volatile rotation at ilvls below 2.6k
•just move around a get the patterns of enemy attacks down and just generally be a pain in the bosses HAMSTER. Tank well my fellow pally.