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Artifact weapons Artifact equipment and you

My one and only character is an SS CW. His name ViviTheVexed. He has purple level greater black ice belt n cloak and artifact. I refuse to respec him as I am a classic style gamer and feel like you need to live with ur mistakes. I have the regular fire set weapon n off hand, purple. I am about to have enough twisted ichor for that weapon set, so pumped. Just got into a great guild and did my first 5 dragon flight runs today after feeling like I was stuck only farming refinement points for months now. Sticking with the gear I have, I've noticed combat advantage was difficult for me combined with surviving so I am now boosting my artifacts for more CAdv and dragon flight should give much needed crit to power ratio as I'm at about 10000 each. Lol. Really just wanted to get an understanding of what other people do when they are about to orange level their weapon sets and truly want I nice boost from combat advantage non stop crits and the use of an artifact to boost that while still being able to not spend 15 gold every dungeon run


  • alpha#1338 alpha Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I don't get Leveling up artifact weapons at all. I have read guides but all it does it tell you what leveling does not a step by step guide on how to actually rank up an artifact weapon. Never played an mmo and the lack of specific step by step guides is rather frustrating. My bad for not playing them till I was 29.
  • hickster#4895 hickster Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Step 1: Gather RP
    Step 2: Insert RP into artifact
    Step 3: Repeat (a lot)
    TR 4.0K
    DC 3.1k
    GF 3.0K
    OP Level 62
    CW Level 62
    SW Level 61
    HR Level 61
    GWF Level 61
  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User

    I don't get Leveling up artifact weapons at all. I have read guides but all it does it tell you what leveling does not a step by step guide on how to actually rank up an artifact weapon. Never played an mmo and the lack of specific step by step guides is rather frustrating. My bad for not playing them till I was 29.

    - Go to your Character Sheet and highlight the artifact in question
    - Press A then select "Refine"
    - Highlight one of the 5 available refinement slots. This will bring up a smaller window with a list of items, from your inventory, that you can use for the process.
    - Fill all 5 slots and refine

    Rinse, repeat until you're at max rank for the current quality, which you then upgrade it to the next. It's a simple, yet tedious and long overall grind.
  • zak3056zak3056 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    Curious about what you mean by "combat advantage was difficult for me" with the remedy being stacking CA on your artifacts? Having CA is situational and not stat based (you get it by flanking an opponent, or through certain class feats--in the case of CWs, it would be nightmare wizardry if you took the Renegade path). It's also important to realize that the CA stat soft caps around 800 and hits severe diminishing returns over 1k.

    If you want to maximize CA damage (and you do) then you want a blink dog and an intellect devourer. Ranking them both up to purple will give you a significant damage buff. You may also want to look long and hard at getting rid of your Black Ice set. The Valindra belt will give you a better return than the set bonus from black ice will. Most of our guild CWs are running full Valindra (not becasue the set bonus is great, but because the stats are pretty good. Lostmauth is arguably better, but the few hundred arpen from it is worthless for most of us).

    If you want to avoid injuries get VIP (the daily key will also help you rank up those companions... the augmentation pack drops pretty frequently from the Shaundakul box). Also, try not to die so much. :smile:

    Best of luck to you, I hope your new guild works out.
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