To start off, I'm josh. I'm a previous Mod 6 player returning since the Level 70 Update in which deterred me from playing for a while.
Before the update I was a 20k+GS CW which I spent a fair while trying to perfect my build, play style and stats. So returning back now to Mod 9 has been a big change for me and the past few weeks I've been hitting the new levels and now trying to get my head around what's best for CW's Nowadays.
I'm currently 3.2k iL still in High vizier set and Chilling Eye AMH. From what I've gathered so far top tier gear is now quite guild dependant due to strongholds e.g Samite.
I've always aimed to be at the top of my game so I'm happy to power out the grind for the new boons and gears.
As I have noticed already that game mechanics have quite drastically changed and dungeons and farming are not how they used to be e.g. CN is completely different to how it used to be and is no longer CC dependant and no more huge bunches of mobs.
Myself still using the old AoE dps setup got quite brutally beat due to no clue in what changes had occurred however I'm aware of them now.
I've since had some hindsight on what's best to use now and adjusting to it so I'll admit I won't be a top DPS but I can show I'm dedicated and willing to put effort in and try.
My aims are to farm materials for Samite gear and catch up on the new Artifact Equipment, Twisted skulls + AOH. However I feel the company of a guild would speed up the procedure if I was accepted under the knowledge I still got a fair way to catch up with boons and dungeon skill.
Thanks for the Time.
Mod 6
Mod 9
Our guild, Poison Clan, has a place for you.
We're GH 8, with rank 4 marketplace, so you can get Dragonflight/Lionsmane armor.
Also, we're a leveling guild, so we've got players grinding out a lot of the same content you need, so it will be easy for you to team up.
We don't require any donations, mandatory guild events, silly tests, or secret handshakes. What we want are fun players who want to become part of a friendly community.
If that sounds interesting, shoot me a message at GT Dread Venomous on XBOX or inbox me here.