Now, I can understand that maybe funny, that the coordination and strategy are a part of dominion, but this is a little too much
Both Team are BIS or almost BIS.
How can this be funny anymore?
And is not that we haven't tried , me personally fought vs a TR from the start in a 1 vs 1 for over 5 min, then both got tired and he changed node, same situation in the other node for my teammate, endless fight without result.
True is that PVP is not only kill kill kill, but c'mon, this is a little ( just a Little ) BORINGGGGGG. IT's too much, DEV, do something , this isn't PVP anymore.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
I will give an example about this. HE can cast encounters out of combat to his members and heal store in the gift. Team manages somehow to disable the cleric and burst down the weakest player guess what happens pop the gift of faith cleric esacpe the disable-control and continue to store heals no matter if his teamates are on full health.
THE other issue any player can carry the gift of faith and go to another node is like the player has a stone of health if get hard hit.................................
FAITHFULL tree is a joke and unbalanced when the other two trees to do their job need to be near to their members.
AND yes poeple have right about insiginias i will add alos the drowned weapons here first you rework the lifesteal ( actually you make it a lot better!) and the regeneration because were like primary stats and then you give the regeneration back THROUGH ZEN MARKET:???????