I like that we have CTAs, however I think its time to update them. Current CTA (Storm the keep) can be done within 3-4 minutes without any challenge. This is a good map, you should have a good use of it. (AD farm for alts is not a good use

The best option would be to have 2 TIERs of CTA-s normal (60) and epic (70 - add some extra reward).
so, yeah, i agree with you.
standard CTA get what intended that design for scaleable 60 level events, same reward loot table.
new 70 lvl CTA version of same classic CTA events should be upgraded for hardcore players, and few extra rewards, this would be anti-bot and anti-afk or anti-griefing scriptings, mobs may have better AI and can make unpredictable.
completely no rewards for those just idling or afk.
also, another thing to do with CTA events, remove the loot drops on the ground, we dont need them, too much particial effects littered, they should be rewarded from the chest after it is cleared.
hardmode CTA chests should have bigger rewards after it is cleared.
let make few suggestions for hardmode reward list for the chests, make sure nothing too greedy, just reasonable balanced loots, please.