There should be a cut off at which the Queue will no longer be filled. If I click accept to go into a Domi match it's with the expectation of starting out either zero to zero or as close to that as possible. That said, I've clicked into matches where the score is 890 to 15 and my team has lost. So I accrue a loss that I had nothing to do with and waste my time even entering into a match like that.
There should be something in place to prevent this, a cut off at which the Queue will stop searching for reinforcements. I would say that any time one team has double the points of the other that the Queue should cut off as this is a forgone conclusion at this point. What do you guys think, had any similar experiences?
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

The threshold value you mentioned is exactly what I'm proposing. There are a number of ways to achieve it (i.e. basic threshold value as you propose, or a threshold formula: threshold = winning team points x 0.5 if over 500 > 2 x losing team points). I think we both want the same thing here if for different reasons or by different methods.
Thanks for your reply.
I entered a match yesterday that was oddly 7/10 populated by a specific PvP based guild. The score was 500 to 100. I went to 1 and there were 5 members of that guild standing there talking. I went to 2 and it Blue... with 2 of my teammates on it. So I headed for 3 to cap it after standing on it for a few seconds I was trolled by a member of this guild despite it clearly being a GG and I just entered.
When it is clear to me that a GG has been called I will not fight... unless I am going 1v1. I chose to take a 30 minute penalty instead of dealing with that HAMSTER.
I believe a time limit should be put in place not a score limit... something like 3 minutes and the door closes.
I personally wouldn't expect too much here. Devs have shown they are more interested in getting people matched than providing a match that is actually worth playing.