So I'm in IWP and done with the daily quest there. I pause at the top, outside of the PvP area and stop to watch the duels that often occur in that area. It being the informal dueling area for most folks that go through there. I notice a GF and rogue that, upon inspection, are decked out with quite a bit of nice PvP gear (both are in the same non-English speaking guild). Burning Elemental Pot of Destruction, FeyTouch, Negation, yadda, yadda, yadda. So I'm standing there and waiting for a duel to start up because who knows, I might see something neato/a nice match.
When I notice that rogue moving towards me. He goes into stealth and there I am thinking to myself, 'Huh, I wonder what he's up to.' What should happen next is that the rogue steps up to me and tries to use me as target practice for an SE.

Now, I'm on my GWF so it's not like I can dodge or anything to avoid it. Luckily for me, I manage to survive it (Yes, I know how I survived it, but heck if I'm telling!). So I start to fight back thinking about how odd a way to initiate a duel. The rogue starts to run and is doing a horrible job of it. I'm just about to kick his butt when his GF guildie bum-rushes me from behind and 1-shots with his lunge attack (3.8k IL in his decked out PvP gear by the way). Now, I'm only using a Negation enchantment that could really be counted as "PvP gear", otherwise I'm totally in PvE gear and my IL is only a meager 3.6k. I release, pop my Ambush ring on, head back, and see the GF picking on another GWF off to the side while his rogue buddy is standing around watching.
So I step up to the rogue and hand him his butt. Finish him, turn around, and bum-rush the GF from behind while he's picking on the other GWF. I hand him his butt as well, finish him, and continue on my merry way back to IWD to hand in my quests. I notice on the way there that the rogue is jabbering away in his native language in ZoneChat. I can only assume he's unhappy with me and dealing verbal abuse via ZoneChat because I can't understand a blessed word he's saying...
I'm sure there are numerous morals in there somewhere, but, to be honest, the only one that matters to me is... "Don't be a jerk, because what goes around, COMEs around"
Makes me allways think, that 80% of those PVP guildies are no real PVP player.