We play this game in good faith. We build friendships and guilds based apon the world you gave us Cryptic, PWE. You built a game, set out the rules, game mechanics and the events as you saw fit from day one. We as a player base accepted what you presented to us. In that time from launch things have gone from potential to worse, and sadly even more unbelievably disappointing. I can go back as far as mod 2 to now and point out nerf, after nerf, after nerf. All these nerfs were created by your design team, coders and producers. There has not been a single thing demanded of you as a design team beyond a simple edict "stay true to the design and consistent with intentions"
Truly what are your demands of us as a player base? Do we have things drastically changed over and over and over again with the intention of us staying around?
One minute I read a calendar that says x event is scheduled. I did not ask for that event, I did not demand that event. However when that event is listed is it really to much to ask that it actually take place? You put out an item that is best in slot, worked for, built around and 9 months later you change its mechanic? Incomplete design of classes that from day one to now are completely different style of gameplay? (small example of that is hr- prior to stance change there was no need for trapper -now you cant be anything but trapper) Oathbound-we did not take part in its skillset, feat tree, but we suffer sweeping changes at your hands on a class you gave us apon your design. Why are we punished for your errors or mistakes in judgement.
I am one of those true gamers. Last time i used any kind of a cheat was back on a single player version of diablo.. yes that original diablo and it was a char editor. You know what I learned.. after enjoying that game for nearly 3 yrs straight, that one month after using a char editor it held no challenge or reward. I believe paying money for a game is expected if I enjoy the game. I ,from 1999 to 2012, payed monthly fees for three everquest accounts, and every expansion 3 times over. I payed really good money at least 25-50 at times over a hundred dollars a month to you as I played from mod 2 to mod 7. I however am done paying for a single thing. I cant trust you. I do not have a single slight clue as your intentions. I feel stupid for believing your direction is to better the experience for the gamer.
To quote " Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.” That shame on both of us is my commitment to playing and pocket book is closed. Sad part is I have given you more then three fools on me. A Lot more.
Adapt and go on.
and this is but one of the many things that cryptic failed at and yet you decided to attack the op solely on this sentwnce dismissing his whole argument you are a true gamer indeed and deserve this true game
Yes this item was known to be overpowered after months not being fixed it got used in almost any build for dps on the forums so it is not this man's failure to ressist to use it but cryptics to fix it in time (hell after 8-9 months into it there was a stream which every true gamer saw and in it it was hinted that the set will stay the same).
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
I actually wonder sometimes whether or not if the people who play this game enjoy pain and punishment. Aren't games supposed to be fun? should we be spending our time fighting with Cryptic over the game or should we be doing something where we can focus on just having fun? or what I think is that the remaining players have fun both clearing mobs and complaining. If people really want to make a statement to Cryptic then the forums should be silent with no one to post.. but as it is now, players complain and pay and play and Cryptic laughs all the way to the bank. This is coming from a person who feels I have an addiction to the game and it is unhealthy.
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
i do not believe that people are masochists if they still play the game. i have some friends who still do (will never understand why). but when i ask them they say "we love the combat and the potential which sadly will never be realised".
too bad the combat has been surpassed by far by a buy to play recent mmo.
This will be a slow agony.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
People complaining are old players, here since beta or the first 3 mods, and them not paying is not gonna change much, as most of the people intending to pay now, are new players...
Would you say to people living in a dictatorship to remain silent and to let their government just act as they wish? I don't think so, complains are the basis of improvement, without people complainging, Cryptic would just make it even more according to their desires, and nobody wants that...
Cryptic (The Devs) doesn't listen to us
They don't fix noted existing long term issues
They have offered no solution to PVP
They have nerfed every class in some way
They have monkeyed with the "economy" of the game
They have made the game more of a cash grab than a serious attempt to further the content
Powers for some classes have never worked as intended
Some paths for classes are nearly worthless
and so on..
The jest of what I am saying and in relation to the topic is if you and I know each other and you cannot trust me, do you have dealings with me? I would hope not. If you did have dealings with me and found them to be bad and you complained to everyone who would listen but nothing got better, would you still deal with me? I hope not. Now after all of that and you know you cannot trust me because of my actions or lack there of, and you have complained over and over and nothing has really changed and you still have dealing with me.. then you are the one to blame and have no reason to complain about the situation.
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
I *want* to open the wallet and support further, but that's just enabling the trend we've had the last few modules.
pvp has squat to do with the game? really entire mods maps and equipment sets are for pvp the devs just asked what new mode / map we want for pvp ...what changes did they make for qqing pvpers ?? the pally bubble nerf ? nope in fact there is a direct dev quote saying it was not because of pvpers !! List some examples please ...
Honestly, I don't care about true gaming (I don't even know what the hell it's supposed to mean) or not, but even those who aren't "true gamers" could have seen those nerfs coming.
If there is anything to truly complain about is how long it took them to correct those problems, so much time passed that the player base started accepting it as normality, when it was not. Anyone with a minimal experience with any other game (not even necessarly mmorpgs) could tell you there was something wrong with those powers and that they were far too strong.
Only thing i do not appreciate is the iplementation of a new "BIS set" instead of fixing all those useless setboni and give us something to play with, bc content is so boring..as another thread mentions: Nowhere to go.
PVP is ba far not the reason for failure. Only thing to blame is, that PVP´er frequently are the first , who are aware of broken mechanics and feats and name...or abuse it.
It´s an up to 20% multiplier and works pretty good for some classes.
Comparing that bonus to other setboni like Black Ice Set there is no set wich can reach that bonus, talking about damage.
the +1k movement and aoe ressist on the trinket could be arp or crit from another trinket
the 530 deflection on the neck could also be a offensive stat from for example imperial
and the +2 str/con and 530 deflect on the belt could be more usefull stats depending on your class....
i think for example for a mage thefabricant had some arc showing it is suboptimal...
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
This ain't D&D with a friendly DM, this ain't an honest attempt to put the D&D license online, This isn't even a decent attempt a stortline RPG. This a churn house of for games cramming an obsolete engine into the D&D environment and trying to grab as much profit as possible.
Once you accept that and see it for what it is, enjoyment can be found.
Meantime, I'll just enjoy my existing Neverwinter investment and in-game friends. Player community is by far the best thing about Neverwinter, increasingly so.
Our guildmember seems to have made their decisions.
Our guild got lots of new member from everwhere, smaller guilds etc., but the activity is going down and down.
Atm I see a handfull of people actively playing, it´s more during weekends. When I started there where 4 pages actively taking part....
The argument that this game is nothing for long-term-player is not valid anymore in case no new player are joining