Ok, so the rouge's dodge is quite decent for what it suppose to do, but can it be more flexible? There are sometimes (almost always) that you need to stay in melee combat - you don’t want to dodge out of a red area and then dodge in again to the target, cause you obviously lose some dps, its very awkward and a pretty clumsy tactic, at least in my eyes. So i was thinking what if you could dodge away OR stay close depending on the situation. What if [Shift + Arrows] moves you 30 ft. away (as it is now) and [Ctr + Arrows] or [double tapping Shift + Arrows] makes a small tumble, 5 ft. away, and let you stay melee. It will make the gameplay much more interesting; you will always have to judge the situation and makes the rouge a more active-moving class. What do you think, would be at least worth considering?