1. TIER 1 armor and 2k item level entry for pvp level 70 that because the player will be familiar with his character how to play it to reach at the 2k. he will have an expierence.
2. MY suggestion is antibotting. IN the past many times bots quueued and all of them had leveling armor. GOing down and down again i dont think was normal player doing that. SO make their life harder and ask a tier 1 armor pve armor as requirement + the 2k item level.
3. Normal players doing that for ad with alts? fine one more reason to add 2k item level + a tier 1 pve armor they cant ruin the game for others.
4. player coming with hp pool 35k in pvp? that is happening with leveling armor............ that is too old for the meta.
ScyLent PvE GF Main
S C Y L E N T PvE DC Alt
ScyLent Lux PvE OP Alt