So the EXP reward system for improving my characters attrabutes after 70th lvl doesn't seem to make any sence, from playing D&D, Pathfinder and a few other RPGs I've learned that when I have aquired enough EXP I am able to improve my character by adding a new ability or bettering an excisting one, so far here I have achived 8 lvls beyond 70th and have recived 3 extra power pts, the remaining 5 times I recived a minor refinement stone or an enchantment, this goes against how a RPGs work, any monetary reward should be coming from an employer after a task has been completed, the journey to complete said task would be mine to refect on and better myself ie. +power point/feat point, every lvl deserves a power point or feat point. It shouldn't be a HAMSTER shoot!
I feel this "problem" needs to be corrected soon and power points should be retroactively appied to all toons.
The fun factor is fading for me and others according to "Zone chat"
Power Points after 70 is random and not guaranteed.
I signed up this game in Mod 4 and most of those whiners in Zone chat were there and already whining how boring the game is. Most of them are either AH players(get low sell high,open lockboxes-sell items-get more keys etc) or/either profession farmers