Please can you add some permanently injured dummies to the Stronghold map, that we can test healing, in addition to the "Attack Dummies"? You can setup a few, ranging from 5-10% HP, 15-25% HP, 45-75% HP and about 90% HP so that we can test that spells and feats work appropriately on different injured targets. They dont need to be very close to each other, like for AoE damage tests, and I suppose that dont need to be limited to Stronghold, so that other non-guild players can also access these Heal Dummies.
p.s. while this adds another dimenstion to testing, both heals and damage, it still leaves mitigation as a tough thing to test. Any ideas? Other than requiring a party into a dungeon, or hostile area?
p.p.s and this is placed in Preview forums with the intention that it will get to Live during a future update, please.