I was told to post this here so every time I try to take my character to the portal of tuern it says "couldn't transfer character container" and logs me out
> @tycchoice#2111 said: > I was told to post this here so every time I try to take my character to the portal of tuern it says "couldn't transfer character container" and logs me out
I have the same problem. I can't abandon the quest. I've logged completely out and powered down at least a half dozen times...problem still remains...please assist!
I was also told to post here by support. I've also had this problem since Wednesday 30th April, it's the first time quest for Portal to Tuern, for me I was lv 68 when I got and accepted the quest from Harper Boward after completing the 5th Assisting the Zhentarium. And whenever I try to port to that instance, instead of the normal portal background picture of Protectors Enclave it's black, and says loading, but after 1 second it says: Couldn't transfer player container. And then I get logged out and returned to title screen. I am now level 70 but still get the same error.
> I was told to post this here so every time I try to take my character to the portal of tuern it says "couldn't transfer character container" and logs me out
I have the same problem. I can't abandon the quest. I've logged completely out and powered down at least a half dozen times...problem still remains...please assist!
I've also had this problem since Wednesday 30th April, it's the first time quest for Portal to Tuern, for me I was lv 68 when I got and accepted the quest from Harper Boward after completing the 5th Assisting the Zhentarium. And whenever I try to port to that instance, instead of the normal portal background picture of Protectors Enclave it's black, and says loading, but after 1 second it says: Couldn't transfer player container. And then I get logged out and returned to title screen. I am now level 70 but still get the same error.