So, ever since the last patch, I can't queue publicly at all. I queue up, it finds a match, it gets to the "waiting for map..." phase, then the banner on top disappears. A minute passes and I get this -
[22:39] [System Notify] Queue Instance has been cancelled due to player declines. You have been removed from Queue Group.
[22:39] [System Notify] Queen Lia Knowles@rinat114 left the Queue Group.
[22:39] [System Notify] Left channel "Queue Group".
[22:39] [System Notify] Left channel "Match".
And of course, on top of it all, I get a 5 minute penalty. Currently I know of only another person who had the issue, reformatting his hard-drive worked for him for some reason (it's apparently cached file related) and he gets the "transfer now" window. I haven't been able to solve this, the public queue works fine for everyone else I know.
Anyone else has been able to solve it?
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.