I really like to spend time to test all classes feats, skills and items, and trying to build the best builds for them
so i have found a lot of bugs, issues , and there are a lot of bad tooltips for skils and feats...i decide-d to spend these to fix them
i already know more then 30 of them, but i dont have to much time, and i want to test them again before i spend these, so i will recomment this post by the timem if it is not a problem, whit the new issues
Lets start some annoing:)
SW : soul Binder Path : Immoltation spirits
This bug is a bit anoing, and never fixed it...maybe now will be fixed
Last test on prew: 2016.03.09
Here is the tool tip :
You consume Soul Sparks to animate burning spirits to attack your foes for 15 seconds. These spirits gain 10% increased damage resistance and 25% increased damage for every 6 Soul Sparks consumed.
And its works like here :
You consume Soul Sparks to animate burning spirits to attack your foes for 15 seconds. These spirits gain 10% increased damage resistance and 25% increased damage if
you have 6 or more souls sparks and consume all sparks.So the main problem whit that at full stacks of souls sparks it should get +125% bonus damage and 50% resist, and also take my all stacks, but now only get the buff for 6 stack but take all of other stacks too...here is some pictures, to show it, and i respected all my feats, boons.
this is whit 0 soul sparks, deal about 3500 damage.
http://kepfeltoltes.hu/view/160309/immoltation_spirits_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.pngthis is whit 6 souls sparks, and it gives the bonusz +25%, and deals about 4,2 damage
http://kepfeltoltes.hu/view/160309/immoltation_spirits_2_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.pngand this is whit 30 souls spark, that means it should get +125% damage, about 7,8k damage should deal, but it still damage the same 4,2k ...
http://kepfeltoltes.hu/view/160309/immoltation_spirits_3_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.pngNow an other one for Paladin
wow of enmity: It should give 20% damage boost against effected targets, but inly gives 10% ...and 3*10% whit ranks up
so that means it should give 50% at rank 4, but only gives 40%... i dont know its bugged or bad tooltip...
Harper Bard companion:
This companion get a passiv skill at rank 30 : Song of Rest: A soothing song Increases owner's Maximum hit points by 10%. This power unlocks at companion rank 30. (This tooltip is too
HAMSTER, cause dont say that its give only the base healts +10%, that is only about 3k healt.) Anyway, if the companion is at legendary, its bugged and this skill dont works, cause of the legendary bonus, and what i should get healt from legendary bonus neither dont works...