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Looking for a guild

townnoobtownnoob Member Posts: 1 Arc User
Hello- I'm looking for a guild to join. I have 1 toon (hunter ranger) @ 70, GS 2200ish (don't know how to determine dps). I play regularly (evenings & weekends MST) but don't know a lot about the game (pretty much on my own the entire time). I haven't run any epics yet (my last guild was only interested in SH farming) so I'm looking for a guild that runs epics together (or mostly together) along with other activities (SH farming, dragons, etc.) although not a pvp'er, strictly PVE. No drama guilds please, preferably an established guild.
If interested, please message me on XBL (Town Noob), leave a message here, or in game mail TownNoob@Town Noob.
Just looking to get more out of the game & think a guild would help in that aspect. Thanks!
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  • thornfilledrosethornfilledrose Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Guild name: UnderCutters
    Guild Leader: Lord Jonesey & RandyDevil
    Guild Contact: ThornFilledRose or SmAshley3481
    Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
    Current Guild Size: ACTIVE!
    Guild Type: Focus on PvE, guild advancement, market trading, we have a few members that have an interest in PvP as well, but it is not a main focus
    Guild Peak Time Zones: We have members from all over, From the West coast of America to UK

    We are a new and very fast growing guild, however our leadership team is well known for their level of in-game knowledge and team play.

    We are an 18+ mature guild. Welcome to both men and women. We are looking for active players that are already level 70, and ready to dungeon. We do have a feeder guild available for those 60-70 level players for use as a meet and greet, and that need help getting to where they need to be to join the main guild.

    We ask from each member a minimal amount for coffer contribution and helpful/cooperative team play dependent on your availability to play on a daily basis. Any additional contributions are much appreciated.

    You are required to treat other guildies with respect. Those instigating drama will not be tolerated. Those having fun with friends, will be welcomed and appreciated.

    In return for your hard work to help our team grow, we offer: loads of helpful information, regularly run activities such as t2, t1, demogorgon (epic & regular), Tiamat, campaign dailies; we also offer prize give-aways for member participation in in-guild contests and events. Our Leadership team is also very active in the trade houses, and markets of the game.

    We have a large group of people from all walks of life to socialize with. (don't like the direction one party chat is going, then hop into another) You are sure to find what your looking for by joining the Undercutters.

    For SmartPhone users, we also keep in contact daily with each-other outside of the game via our KiK channel. More information about that given after reaching member status. And we are currently working to upgrade our website.

    Please contact either myself: ThornFilledRose, or SmAshley3481 via xbox one message. You must have a mic, as we will then invite you to a party chat, and see if Undercutters is a good fit for you.
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    Casual Dailies is the guild I am in. We run everything and anything that people are interested it. We have a good crew that enjoys helping out. Very low drama and no high requirements. We run afternoons-evenings CST and weekends. You can contact me here or in game to see if it is a good fit for you, no entry fees, we just like to play. mangybasher9221
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
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