When pvp works it's a lot of fun. But that's a rarity. I just lost 7 games tonight facing pre-made guild 4ks. Something must be done to separate players that are BIS from everyone else.
Pvp needs new maps. Only 2 in domination, 1 gauntlgrym, 1 stronghold.
Speaking of which, stronghold queue takes way too long. Maybe add better rewards to playing stronghold to bring in more players. Maybe RP, or more ad.
pvp needs new queue system. I think this is being addressed in the next mod. We need something like a server browser.
We need a new pvp gear set. Forget guild lionsmaine. Very annoying to get if you're not in a guild. We need gear that doesn't take a million ad to buy banners of the fallen or $$$. Why not glory? I thought that was the pvp currency.
Also, why in gods green earth are the potions always bugged. Like you see them, you walk up to them, but they are not really there.
hackers. I've seen a few players that are questionably powerful. Not really Bis, but one shots you all the same. Hard to tell though sometimes.
Last thing. Dueling. It would fun to challenge someone, outside of Icewind dale and pvp que, to a dual. I like the star wars version, but it would be cool to have group duels. Fight it out with 5v5 friends, outside domination, anywhere. Sounds cool.
I think that covers it. But yeah, pvp can be freaking awesome. Maybe make these changes and make pvp awesome all the time? Then add some kind of AD reward event, say 10k ad bonus per match (something awesome) to entice players back into pvp to see the new changes. Then they get hook, and bam you got yourself a community of pvp'ers again. Anyway these are my thoughts. I may add to it later if something new comes to mind. Or just create another thread altogether.
This could introduce racial features as the ability to sense the presence of life-forms in an area. In balance there should also be cloaking of detection as well. I had another post regarding BRACKETING OF PVP TEAMS - this life-force detection might only be an enabled trait at higher bracket play.
Don't get me wrong. I like this game. It just pains me to see it die over such a silly business model.