I just did some test on preview server about ITF + DC setup and here are my results :
First, here is the list of DC DR buffs that are not taken into consideration in ITF formula :
- Divine Glow
- Foresight (+feat)
- Blessing of Battle
- Exaltation (base/divinity/empowered)
I've found only 3 ways to improve your GF's ITF efficiency as a DC :
- Hallowed Ground : +35% dmg at rank 4
- Astral Shield : +40% dmg at rank 4
- Have Faith (virtuous feat) : +5% dmg at rank 5
These DR buffs are additive and they are computed after the GF Armor Specialization feat coef, but before Inspiring Leader one (tactician feat), which give an ITF formula who looks like this :
ITF buff coef = 1+(baseDR*(1+0.05*ArmorSpecRank)+DRbuff1+DRbuff2+...+DRbuffx)*(1+0.01*InspiringLeaderRank))
For example, if you put HG r4, Astral Shield r4 and Have Faith r5 on a GF who is playing with 40% base DR, Armor Spec r3, United r5 and Inspiring Leader r5, the ITF party dmg buff will be :
1+(0.4*(1.15)+0.4+0.35+0.05+0.05)*(1.05) = 2.3755
High IL buffer GF will exceed the 0.8 DR cap by himself :
1+(0.8*(1.15)+0.4+0.35+0.05+0.05)*(1.05) = 2.8585
In fact, IG these numbers are even higher because the Armor Specialization feat is more than 5% per rank but I still cannot determine the exact formula.
In short, always slot Astral Shield and favor HG over AA when there is a GF in your party, and take Have Faith (trigger on Divine Glow) in your spec if your best friend is a GF, don't waste your time with Foresight and Exaltation.
I'm still testing Exaltation, but I see better results if I use empowered Brake the Spirit: it's a +30% damage on top of the ITF buff.
My rotation is:
DG on the GF = +10% DR for 6 secs
AS rk 4
HG rk 4
stack divinity
3x DG divinity
1 empowered BtS
Have faith rk 5 is always there.
It works very well on my AC DC AP Virtuous build with high power and high recovery: AS and HG are always up and I don't have to spend too much time to coordinate the sinergy.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
best rotation appears with a gf is to drop a damage/heal encounter with a GF in your party.
Use HG as a daily then divine DG, hit BoB to restore full divinity , lay down ashield, then three bts + empowered. Suggestion is to either of a trans plague or trans terror in play (I keep trans terror on my dc, since its one of the least used enchants debuffs)
This seems to be best rotation in terms of full effect synergy with GF in party and to optimize overall debuffing. Clearly a AC debuffer is highest synergy with a GF, but its not that big if a difference, that it will matter much.
Of course this really only matters with bosses and you have to have a GF using it correctly, dont pop until you see the ashield down. BTS effects only matter to party in general, so I would say use it immediately after itf anyways. Most mob packs die in under 1 rotation in t1s and 1 rotation or less in t2s anyways.
With a paladin in a party.. I switch generally to chains, its a far wider AOE damage ability then DG.. so you can usually cast condemned quicker (non divine/non empowered mode) I would still say use BTS rotation and a divine DG regardless. If two DCs in party or stacking debuffs, I would switch to FF/DG combo and let one DC keep BTS up all the time. One uses hg, the other AA.(so only cast chains when normal, non empowered, never divine mode is up) That is if your party needs zero heals (IE no bastion slotted, or if your non haste, so no HW slotted) Haste Dc (non righteous or , righteous haste traited, will have to consider if keeping haste up with HW is worth the trade off of slamming condemned quicker/wider with chains most of the time it would be.. but sometimes, if party has one high end GWF.. it wont be.. as they will destroy everything in less then a rotation anyways and GWFs wont need your haste.. since overall daily use is useless to them. But if your supporting a SW/cw thaum as the only dps, then clearly haste is more important, then keeping up condemned in a wider arc.
We were trying to figure out the total amount of buffing involved, but considering that HG/divine DG and Bob, also has components of DPS buffing and power/sharing, it wasn't a total resolve of the % increase we could parse 100% accurate. With my buffs and ITF in play GF own dps encounters were around 260% increased though.
I simply dropped haste a few weeks back.. I dont think the game needs it anymore.
If Do/AC mix.. then you can have one person use PoD , HG .. AC should then use AA of course. This would be the very highest amount of buffing in the game, along with the GF and mix in one MoF renegade. Of course this is mostly maximum overkill though.
There is alot to consider with party make up/ to fully support who you have in place though. Really this is the bread and butter of DC's and even though I loved the faithful line for early mod 6.. its zero % needed with most party groups anymore.. making me sad
The game apparently never will need said healer outside of PVP.
I don't understand, Temp HP had nothing to do with ITF damage buff
You say that because of BoB ?
I did say it was marginal though.
I will have to confirm this. All told the GF I was with saw a 260% increase with bob, ashield and hg down.. we tried to remove the dps parameters.
It could be simply be that my bob is feated. I dont know.
I guess my question to the OP then, is how did they determine there was no increase with BoB?
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
I just did some testing testing was based on non-crit strikes of cleave on a test dummy, 20 hits and the damage averaged. My Damage Resistance is 53.1% (so not massive) and I removed my enchants from the main hand. I'm not sure about other class features etc. For all I had the twisted weapon maxed at 24 bloodlust.
Base Hit - 2922
With ITF - 4965
With Tide of Iron - 3507
with ITF + Tide of Iron - 5950
Now this is where it gets interesting, cause we added the DC effects of Hallowed Ground (HG) and Astral Shield (AS) to ITF but these are averages of 10 hits
With ITF + AS - 5868
With ITF + AS + HG - 9870
So the damage increases I get are
Base - 0% increase
Tide - 20% increase
ITF only - 70% increase
ITF + Tide - 103% increase
ITF + AS - 101% increase
ITF + HG + AS - 246% increase
Seems to correlate with some of the stats quoted above.
Not bad really
maybe in PVP it will work
If it works the way you describe then Astral Shield buffs dmg for 42% (40%*1.05) because it's affected by Inspiring Leader, same for other skills.
Mod 12.5 PvP Power/Crit/Arp Optimization
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