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Deflect affects Control Resist.

harumenharumen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
As you can read in tittle. Deflect influencies over controlled time, witch has not been described in any place in game. This have a lot of impact in PvP.
Please, fix it in the way you like: changing deflect tooltip, option that I don't share, or fixing the deflect in order that no more affects in CR... before ppl start changing stats in order to get advantage of something broken.


  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    it may be a bug it may be not.
    it somehow makes sense: deflect sounds like "i moved in a way the enemy could not hurt me that much", sounds like an almost miss hit. From that almost miss hit, you get an almost miss control effect.

    i like it this way
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Sure TRs like it that way, with a base deflect severity of 75% (85% with pot) (pretty ridiculous for a striker class) control effects lasts for a split second only.

    when reading my posts consider me a hr, thanks.
    can i consider you still a striker gwf right?
  • harumenharumen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    It doesn't matter since when, matters devs ignoring community if that is really happening, but that is not the fact.

    The sense that deflect mades in you is totally subjective, with the same veracity that understanding that Control Effects are not incoming damage (the one I prefer in order to diversion of playstyles and so). And is Incoming Damage the only one variable mentioned in Deflect Chance tooltip.

    The only thing I ask for is that has to be clear. For everyone. Not because something is better or worse for myself or others.
    That is the reason because I wrote the two evident ways in order to make Deflect stat clearer.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    harumen said:

    It doesn't matter since when, matters devs ignoring community if that is really happening, but that is not the fact.

    The sense that deflect mades in you is totally subjective, with the same veracity that understanding that Control Effects are not incoming damage (the one I prefer in order to diversion of playstyles and so). And is Incoming Damage the only one variable mentioned in Deflect Chance tooltip.

    The only thing I ask for is that has to be clear. For everyone. Not because something is better or worse for myself or others.
    That is the reason because I wrote the two evident ways in order to make Deflect stat clearer.

    and this is definitely a good points.
    tooltips in this game are way too vague and unclear.
    more details like what is doing what and internal cooldowns would be really appreciated
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    Tenacity should cut deflect severity in half since it halves healing and temporary hit points.
  • heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    Deflect a control power is not possible (when you are frozen already or if you are imprisoned or banished)
    Deflecting a damaging power the aftermath of which is the target to be controlled however, is an entirely different story.
    If you deflect a whole sequence of incidents whose purpose is to damage and ultimately control you you get some damage but you dont get controlled.
    Only exception is OP's Burning light
  • heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    benskix2 said:

    Tenacity should cut deflect severity in half since it halves healing and temporary hit points.

    If you don't know how something works (or in some cases how it doesn't work) don't make suggestions on it, its basic common sense
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I'm talking about healing depression, should not have said tenacity.
    Post edited by benskix2 on
  • heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    I apologize
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    A smarter bunch of people would probably be asking for increase in effects and powers that could directly counter a certain noticeable "problem" in terms of balance, rather than ask for direct nerfs or buffs. More variables make the game more complex, and through it more unlikely a certain class/character would turn up that does everything well.

    Did I mention that this game has too weak of a 'debuff' category?

    Oh, that's right. The last time I mentioned special debuffing powers that could effect APs and stamina, as a sort of a 'fulcrum' to be given out to certain class/builds that are considered to weak, to become 'specialist' type builds, the devs took that idea and thought it would be a smart thing to simply f#(*&!(ing PROLIFERATE ALL OF IT TO EVERYONE.

    Right. So not suggesting any ideas would actually be better for this game, since they're gonna take that idea and pervert it to condemn your soul to the nine gates of hell. Like, stacking -deflect powers to be given out to certain weak classes... they probably be gonna transform this into another fine AD-hoggin' abomination.


    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    Except that issue with deflect and control resist also there are and other problems: what is the cap for control? what is the cap for combat advantage? WHo designed them? why stay silent? thanks.
  • harumenharumen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    This issue was explained long time ago (i think it was explained at mod5's release), but i will make a fast explain for you:

    Almost (in reallity, i think its them all) all "CC" encounters share the same problem: they apply "CC" effects throught "Damage". This means that, "CC" is ALSO calculated as "damage" in those terms, resulting in a "deflection on CC time" because "time" is a variable which also pass through "deflection severity".

    Ok. That's clear, the issue exists before this post. Nothing changes.
    clonkyo1 said:

    Since then (because it was more noticeable back on that mod than on previous mods), a bunch of players, myself included, have stated that "CC 'duration' must have its own layer which is only affected by 3 terms: Tenacity, Control Strenght and Control Resist" removing "Deflection" and "Deflection severity" from that math.

    As an example and explanation, i will use "LoL" game:

    You can buy and stack "Armor" and "Magic resist" to mitigate damage given from those sources but these "defenses" dont affect "CC effects" like "slows". So, this means any player can have max "defense" but if a skill says that "it slows the target for 3 seconds", the target will be slowed for full 3 seconds.

    What is this, explaining that defense and dmg resist doesn't affect control resist... so deflect shouldn't? I understand you but not the sense of your comment.

    Nope, you can consider me as a player who plays all classes available in NW (yea even started a Paladin recently - time to delete the game. lol) I don't like to complain about classes I don't have any clue about. Not knowing the mechanics of other classes is the reason why so many people make so many "mimimi threads".

    Is this any useful for this thread? You don't have to read it neither answer to. If you are going to, please, keep talking about the initial reason.
  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Just one layer in the entire screwed-up cake that is the combat system. You just don't notice it as often in PvE, because the system was meant for PvE and so a slapdash system is sufficient. And it's dysfunctional in PvP because it was never truly designed for PvP.

    For examples: you can dodge an attack and still take damage from it, as boons like shadow touched will proc regardless. You can dodge a drainer's daily and still lose all of your AP, for much the same reasons.

    Frankly, that deflect applies to control durations is the only thing that gives you have a chance against a PvP-built controller. Albeit not much. The most unsatisfying fight possible in any PvP system is one in which you can never do anything.
    clonkyo1 said:

    Ofc. "Deflection" is meant to "avoid damage" not to "avoid control effects".

    "Control Effects" should have its own "strenght" and "resist" layer. Even if a target can avoid 80% of incoming damage by deflecting it, that target should suffer the full effect of "Control effects".

    Actually, what it is, is avoiding (the brunt of) attacks. Damage is just one standard consequence of an attack, but is hardly restricted to it. If you try to throw a punch of restraints on me, but I manage to dodge all of them but the chinese finger trap, do you really think I should be just as hindered as the dude you buried in a pile of chains?

    I really don't know why I see people constantly try to complain about deflect vs. control. You have entire classes that are functionally control immune 100% of the time with no deflect at all.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    Doesn't matter in any of the cases the above people have mentioned, because how they set things up are, in the end, arbitrary. If they decide that "hmm, being naturally nimble and agile should have some effect against CCs" then fine, that's just how they do it. In this game 7' tall warriors in full metal-clad armor run faster than horses, and people shoot homing arrows that curve as you move. It's but a mere system of depiction. How they define deflection works doesn't have any solid grounds or basis in reference to how it should work.

    That being said, the problem with NW is that the effects of all types of buffs in general greatly outweigh debuffs in both potency and general numbers. When a certain class or build chooses a certain type of very combat-specific buffs to use, there aren't many ways to really counter it at face value. Add to that certain ill-conceived decisions or existing problems within the game and it easily goes overboard.

    Initially, deflection wasn't a big problem since it wasn't bloody likely to come up with a high-deflect character that actually worked well in combat. I still remember keltz0r once said, "Deflection is overrated" and he would have been right until upto about mod5.

    Upto mod5, a TR build that totally focuses on deflection, in order to achieve over 60% and well upto 70% deflection, would require that much heavy penalties in other areas of character specifications. In a world where people started to set 40~50k HP as base PvP-worthy value the high-deflect TR would be toting around only about 28~30k HP, would require a specific build with specific race and choice of paragon/powers, and to offset the glaring problems would require a very AD-heavy super-BiS setup.

    Then comes the krapchit of mess that happened right along with mod6, and a relative quick succession of mods 7 and 8. The new item settings that inherently offer base HP value, the barrage of problematic and overpowered artifacts that offer insta-heals, as well as the idiotic decision to implement the 'mythical' rank (no doubt, another fat-bellied, greedy ploy to milk more money from the players by selling ZEN-AD in the form of RPs) so anyone can spam these items in 1 min intervals. Another series of crazy and idiotic increase in AP generation, more daily spamming... you name it.

    It's becoming increasingly easier to stack certain effects, such as damage, deflect, or any other potent combat stats, whereas the means to counter them is still limited drastically. In my hayday I actually planned to test out possible counters such as the Frost enchants, except the specifications of those enchantments already spelled out 'ineffective' due to its limitations. Didn't get the chance to test it out, as my own playtime with this trainwreck of a PvP ended when my Frost enchant was still only at "Greater" rank. God d*** refining.

    As always, my suggested method of balancing would be to implement a method of 'direct countering' in the form of a stackable debuff that can reliably land on the TR (we are talking about TRs, obviously, are we not?)....AND DON'T FU!#!@NG PROLIFERATE IT again in the form of some easily bought/acquired items, and limit it to a certain class and build.

    For me, the concept of a 1:1 balance which any class can duke it out with another at exact same probability of winning, doesn't exist in the first place.

    My concept of 'balance' would be "if a certain OP class rules the battlefield, and conventional classes cannot deal with it, then let loose a 'specialist' that is specifically designed to take it down" . If the game supports the concept and there actually exists certain specific builds and counter methods to a given problem, then I consider that game balanced. CoH was balanced in this manner. CO was more problematic, but a lot of the crazy broken OP builds still had specific counters.

    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • mirlegrismirlegris Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    Works like this since..forever. Is it really a problem in this mod, a mod with immortals GWF, immortals DC, immortals OP, Perma-root HR, One-shots GFs, Perma-Daily TR, a module in which the pvp is like a giant game of hide and seek or pinball ?
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