Wanted to see what you all recommended for best possible DPS using Binding Oath. I do not see a whole lot of info on this, in various web and forum searches. I am guessing it is kinda like this , Divine Protector, Radiant Strike (ArmPen boost), Templars Wrath, Binding Oath , then time Sanctuary to prevent Implosion. Is this the proper sequence to maximize DPS or am I missing a step ?
This has just been my experience with the skill. I don't use it in boss fights generally when damage taken is at its highest.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
My thought's are this. Max ArP, then max Power/HP. Daily should be Heroism. Encounters should be binding Oath Templar's Wrath, [Either Circle of Power or Bane, bane is more effective if not already being applied.[30%ish more temp HP from Templar's Wrath]]. Have Aura of courage and Aura of Vengeance running, maybe Aura of Wisdom if you want the extra cooldown. Closest I can come up with. Bottom line, Aura gifts paladin. Like 90% of it is the same. Once again bubble may be better, or may be worse. Ideally you have bubble for 7.9 seconds, and it wears off right before binding Oath blows up, again not sure on the order of things, but this may be one of the few way to literally explode with millions of points. [I've one shot someone with Binding Oath, but only in PvP, and being focused by 5 3.2k IL's.]
In any case Good luck, if anyone has some math or knowledge of the DR workings, I'd like to hear/see them. Divine Protector and Binding Oath particularly are weird. I think I seem to only be getting about 2% damage or so, by the time it works it's way through all the skills, my base DR, and even then i never see my Temp HP bar move, the exception would be the ELoL scorpions or standing in Valindra's hands and getting hit by the souls. [Millions of points literally.]
EXAmple number 2 : Paladin do the same in tos when we approach the first drider we clear the monsters and paladin keep returning damage on the air.
question after binding oath expires the returned damage counts and for paingiver and for damage taken?
IS the first time in any game i have played a class to hit-return damage whatever call it vs noone and the same time increase his paingiver.