I have a problem. MY sister have registered an acaunt about 1 mounth ago, but her e-mail was dissolved, so now she cant get any e-mail from Arc, whic contains the guard password, so she cant write in support right now either on forum, or logg in to arc.com...she can still log in to game, because she saved his pc, but it contains only for the game, neither for arc. What can she do right now? Or how can she add her new e-mail to her accaunt? Thanks for you patiance and im waiting your answer. If any moderator would help me than it wouldhelp me a lot. One other question, i wanted to write to support, insted of forum first, but for me it doesn't loading the support website...now only for me does this problem, or might support now off-line? for me doesnt works about 1 week...