So after wandering around in IWD for a little bit a few things occurred to me. I was bored of the static spawns and the static HEs. BIG surprise right? So I started thinking about all the things I liked about PNP D&D and something occurred to me that is totally missing from this game that, I think, would "kick it up a notch". Wandering monsters/encounters.
So we have these big and beautiful maps to play on. Yet, everything on them is static spawn-wise. The mobs are in the exactly the same places and are the exact same make-up each and every time. Even the HEs are boringly predictable. So instead of new HEs, why not turn things upside down a little bit? Get RID of all the static spawn mobs and all the HEs. Instead, put in a random wandering monster/encounter generator! And not just one, but a bunch! This would open up soo many different permutations of the exact same maps that it would boggle your mind! Think about it...
A randomly spawning monster/encounter of... A troll under a bridge! (For those folklore-icly inclined) or...
An ambush sprung on you/your party as they crossed the wilderness!!! or...
A remote/secluded cave that super rarely spawns a... Shriveled up vile monster that had a chance of dropping a ring upon defeat! (Any similarity of any sort to any OTHER stories are purely happenstance)
(This is from one of my guildies...) A wandering caravan of monsters!!!
It might seem kind of boring, but if you kicked up the rewards on these random encounters to suit the size/difficulty of them... You'd see renewed interest in hunting for these elusive encounters I'm sure. You could make some spawns be truly random. Then you could make a majority of spawns be semi-predictable. Like most of the monsters/encounters in this area "tend" to funnel down THIS path. Usually. Then you could have people getting together to lay in wait to ambush these encounters. Or even throw them a wild card and have THEM be ambushed when they get to the ambush spot! Say the caravan your 2 parties ambushed finally took down all the guards, and the caravan leader popped out... A handful of really tough Giants! Defeating it would allow the participants to loot the treasure wagon which could drop all sorts of goodies to make it worth their time/effort! Or maybe the monsters could send for reinforcements via runners! The players would need to stop these runners from getting away (getting a set distance away) or they'd summon really nasty reinforcements like a dragon!
The different possible permutations could be endless and would, I think, certainly replace all these static spawns and static HEs quite easily! My guildies I've talked with about it all tend to agree. The only one that didn't like it said that he'd have a hard time leveling up because all the stuff that was soo easy to find before wouldn't be so easy to find anymore. He said that leveling up would take even longer because of it! Otherwise, he liked the concept. Lol
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair"
Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time.
"Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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