Hi all,
I have a Legendary companion, which when active means any summoned companion will grant my character 15% of its stats.
My summoned companion is a purple/epic companion. Is there any benefit to upgrading it to legendary? It doesn't fight, so it doesn't need a hit point boost. Is there any other benefit? Do stats increase in any appreciable/worthwhile way?
Separate question: if it were a purple non-augment companion that fought with me, would it be worthwhile then? I think it would get 14% more hit points, but is that really a measurable benefit?
Thanks for the help!
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Usually you'd only have one Legendary Companion - the one that is summoned. If using an Augment, this is the one you'll want to make Legendary.
I am wondering if the stat increase is worth my upgrading it to legendary. I have one legendary, but want to use my epic augment companion. How big is that stat increase for all that AD?
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The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I would say the AD cost will have better use somewhere else.
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my Erinyes gives 470 recovery and power at 35 ( I suppose hp is the third augmented stat)
my blink dog gives 470 power, crit and arp
my intellect devourer gives 470 to 3 stats also.
My wildhunt rider is odd with 2 stats at 528. He also has a lot of hp.
Edit: upgrading the intellect devourer to legendary (still lvl 35) increased the stats to 504 each.
Edit#2: Those stats are with 12% companion stat bonus from charisma. at 13% bonus it jumps to 473. So without any of that bonus, I'd estimate the stats to be around 440 to 450.
1) Making an active companion Legendary will give any summoned companion a +15% stat boost. That may be just to base stats, but it is an active power that works if you have even a single active (doesn't have to be summoned) companion.
2) Upgrading a companion usually boosts stats. My question in this thread is about the upgrade from epic to legendary for an augment companion. Does that upgrade give enough of a boost, for an augment companion, to be worth it? I don't need the boost from #1, since I already have a legendary companion.
The answer seems to be that it isn't worth it. If I understand what Smulch wrote above, the intellect devourer went from stats of 470 to 504. It isn't worth 1 million AD to get a +34 bump to two stats. Therefore, if you have one legendary companion, you don't need to make a summoned augment companion legendary. It isn't worth the price.
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On a side note, sadly - I acquired enough upgrade tokens on a character who has two legendary companions already. Oh how I wish the tokens were sharable with my other companion!!
What I understand:
When you upgrade a companion to legendary, and it is active (doesn't have to be summoned), your summoned companion (doesn't have to be legendary) grants 15% of the summoned companion's stats to you. This is a strong reason to get at least one companion to legendary.
Now, upgrading a companion also increases the stats of the companion itself by a small amount. Upgrade the companion, it gets more hit points and more stats. But, those numbers aren't printed anywhere. You could run through the upgrade on preview and see how big a difference it is, but I doubt it is worth 1 million to upgrade a companion this way if you already have one legendary.
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Reason being is I have yet to see data that shows that the 100% augment bonus would become %115 bonus. And augments generally have weak stats to begin with.
Since it does not HAVE to be summoned, then I would pick the one that has an active tyou will always need, and may even be willing to use as the summoned companion as with bonding stones + the legendary bonus + the extra utility, dps, and survivability, will be much greater than you summoned augment.
Just to put this particular issue to bed, I did a quick test:
The legendary black dragon stone has a power stat of 780. With the Legendary bonus, I would expect that to transfer 117 power to me. Here's what really happens:
Two legendary companions:
Power rating with both active, but Warlock summoned:
Black dragon stone removed from active list completely:
Power rating without black dragon stone in list:
Unsummoned the Legendary warlock:
Power Rating with one legandary companion, unsummoned
Added both Legendary companions, but neither summoned:
Power rating with both legendary companions, unsummoned:
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If you have any of your companions upgraded to legendary - and it is one of the 5 active companions you have 'equipped'
Any companion will get a legendary bonus - which is - gives 15% of your summoned companion stats to the player,
So once you have your powerstone Golgothan active (not summoned)
and summon Fluffy you get additional 15% of Fluffy stats to yourself - like if you equipped fluffy with Eldritch runestones.
It is simpler to read it as a active bonus (which is actually what it is) - Gives player 15% of it's current summoned companion stats.
Edit: there was a bug a year or so ago - dunno if it is fixed now - where the legendary companion must be in the first Active companions slot or be summoned for things to actually work as described above.
Edit2: Legendary bonuses do not stack (afaik).
Edit 3: To clarify Plasticbat is right
Here is my defense with no legendary companion active (equipped in those 5 slots) and a Epic companion summoned
here is my defense with a legendary companion Active (in those 5 slots) and still the same Epic companion summoned
So to quote : If you have a legendary companion active, you will get 15% of the summoned companion (which is not necessary to be the legendary companion)
is a correct statement
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
You are already getting 15% bonus from all those 4 cases.Your power fell down on 3rd case because your summoned companion 'Fluufy' probably doesnt have 'Power' stat. You didnt summon any companion on the last one
Your active companion needs to be legendary, so you will benefit from his 15% bonus. No other companion will be affected from this, just the one who's legendary AND summond at the same time. No active companion will ever get this bonus from another legendary one. Never!
That is, any summoned companion/pet will give the summoner 15% of it's stats as long as the Legendary companion/pet is active
Again, it seems pretty clear that there are two things we are talking about:
1) Having any active (not necessarily summoned) companion at legendary will give you 15% of the stats of the currently summoned companion (even if that summoned companion is not legendary).
Opinion: I think that's a decent reason to have at least one companion at legendary.
2) My original question is: If you already own at least one legendary, and you have a non-legendary augment you want to summon, are the benefits to the stats (because every companion gains higher base stats as it levels) worth upgrading it to legendary. Here, the only new benefit is that the summoned augment gains slightly higher stats and passes them on to you.
Opinion: We need to test/confirm more, but it looks like the bump in stats is not worth the high cost.
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