We, The Jedi Knights, have been out since Mod 5, so don't think it was created because of the movie came out in December!
We're a PvE/PvP Guild. I'm 1 of the 2, Rank 7 guild leader. We're at Stronghold 5, working on to 6. We need more active daily members to get things going faster, at the rate its going now after we were recruiting more daily players, we'll have the gear by almost February or middle of Feb. The ranking goes by how much of a daily person you are, donating to the guild, and how often you play/help other members in the Guild. We're more interested in Lvl 70 +2.4K item level score. Mics is not needed as long as join party to hear everyone. We have mix of members in different time zones, on average good 10-20 members are on. We have a closed Facebook group to members only and we have an open facebook page for public viewers!
If interested or have questions, just post below! Or message me on xbox message at GT: DeathIsUponYouu (two "u"s in "Youu"). My character's name is "Zíorian", a Great Weapon Fighter. Might've seen me around, in PvP too!
Can comment;
Character's name:
Item Level:
PvE, PvP, or both: