I formed group for DP in WoD. And as we entered I silently Wished For Repentant Dragon Cultist key to drop. And it did!
On Christmas Day too.

You might say, 'Yes but you probably wish it would drop everytime you do WoD' but that's not true. I gave up on it long ago. Been doing it since WoD came out, was that over a year ago? And I only saw the key drop once, and that was in the first week of Mod 6. For a long time now I forgot about it even existing.
Then today I suddenly remembered it, and thought, hey it's Christmas, wouldn't it be amazing if I finally got this companion?
We defeated the master alchemist and his adds and everyone was grabbing loot and heading to the chest when a blue loot flashed on the screen, and I thought oh wow is that what I think it is?! And then the Key popped on screen and everyone rolled on it, and I won!
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance