Just got back into playing after a long hiatus. my item level is only in the 1900's, but looking for people (or guilds) to group up with to do the campaigns and dungeons. Since my friends left me (for Destiny) mostly, looking to make some new ones. feel free to add me!
GT is WynterPhenix
I've been around since week 1, I've always helped people out n played with PUGs(pick up groups) I've got 9 characters, 5 that are 70's, so I can play any part but it sux not going into something not pre prepared to just smash a dungeon or skirmish etc etc.
I'm just kind of sad my buddies I always played with went back to other games.
You don't have to join the guild, my guild is sad, it's tiny xD but some company would be nice, I play everyday.