Hello everyone!
I main a lvl 70 Devotion Pally with an item score around 2100. I am looking to join a guild as the guild I was in scattered to the winds once Strongholds came out. I'm sick of relying on crappy PUGs to grind for seals for gear and I miss being part of a guild.
I have a 5 year old son who I have pretty much full time, with the exception of a weekend here and there, so I primarily play late in the evenings around 8pm Mountain time, and on the weekends when my son is with his mom I play a ton.
I am a very laid back guy, I don't lose my temper, I play this game as an escape to stresses of regular day to day life. I don't enjoy ragers or screamers, I have been in a few guilds/clans with people like that and I can't stand it, its a game people. With that being said, I would like to find a like minded group of people who enjoy the game for what it is. I'm always willing to help out and contribute to the guild and assist in its growth and success.
I don't particularly enjoy PvP, mostly because I suck terribly at it and prefer hearing the screams monsters emit as I smash their face. I however am not opposed to having someone take me under their wing and show me the ropes in PvP and I am always willing to help heal whatever the occasion.
I have played Neverwinter since, I guess it would be mod 4 before Tiamat came out. I have a lvl 62 GWF, a lvl 61 HR, a 68 Cleric, and a few other characters of varying levels not worth mentioning.
I consider myself a fairly competent player. I have always thought myself a work in progress but I have received compliments on my abilities before. I am always open to constructive criticism and advice on how to better my playing, in fact it would be awesome if I could get a chance to sit and talk with a few Devotion Paladins and discuss all things Pally because I am trying to immerse myself in the class.
So, to summarize the novel haha, I am a Healadin looking for a guild of laid back, chill players. Preferably mostly PVE, that actively runs dungeons, raids, skirmishes, etc.
Oh, and I know beggers can't be choosers, but If your guild name is something ridiculous like The Muffin Crusaders, or 420 Smoke dat weed Errday 420 420, I probably won't be accepting. I like to keep things somewhat imaginative and fantasy like.
Thanks for reading!
Korik Warmourne
GT- Bloody Farts 17 (yes you read that correctly haha)
We're a small guild, with 50 gamer tags, but even with the holidays, 45 or 46 of them are active each day.
We run dungeons, dailies, farming all the time. We have players leveling all the time - normally veteran players who are bringing up new alts. We have players in Europe, Canada, the US, and we just met our first Australian.
I've been incredibly lucky with recruiting. Almost everyone we've brought in is friendly and helps out guild mates.
We've got good communication outside of the game, so it is easy to get information or line up events or just get guys to log in and help you out.
If you're interested, look for:
GT: Dread Venomous Main: Wilford Brimley (HR), Alt: Poppy Maizepants (OP)
GT: Kevian Main: Kevian's Wizard (CW), Alt: Kevian (GF)
GT: The Corky Show Main: Corky (DC)
If you send me a message on XBOX live and I'm not available, I'll check to see if any guild mates are free to send you an invite.
Nice GT BTW!
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"