First off I have 9 characters, and they all pretty much work as designed except for this one lone character of mine... My guardian fighter, it's a multifaceted glitch with 3 things going on for it, I actually noticed it back in mod 5 specifically when Tiamat first dropped didn't seem a big deal then, even tho I swear this glitch happened about 60-80% of the time, I just had decent gear n played well on my char that seeing this glitch pop up wasn't too often but I could easily get it to show at will. This glitch has conditions its strange and I've assumed many things and even in mod6 with all new things gear and everything the saaame glitch with the same conditions.
Ok what this glitch actually is:
A.) can't do emoticons chat says its happening and my char just stands there.
B.) can't do a stationary jump on a mount, strange and yet effects nothing really.
C.) soulforge does not proc or work when it should, I will have soulforge equipped and yet the symbol under my name showing it's active is not there and/or when I die I don't auto-ressurect and I get revival sickness and/or an injury, it will happen a few times in a row within a short time span even before the revival sickness goes away. I die go down even if the soulforge symbol is active and get another injury or multiple ones all the while auto resurrect function not working, I end up dying a lot when I shouldn't due to a revival sickness that shouldn't be there, I blow through a whole lot more injury kits and portable altars as well since this tends to give me excessive injuries and revive sickness.
D.) when soulforge does actually proc it will double down me and ressurect me multiple times in a row within seconds sometimes compounding many injuries, or randomly proc when it shouldnt because it hasn't recharged yet.
Ok I've had this effect me since mod5 Tiamat dropped, I originally thought it was gear, but now in mod6 new stuff everything different it's still there and the soulforge part really is irritating, I believe it's all connected because when those first two parts happens the glitchy soulforge is guarnteed, when it goes away everything is rosy. This glitch is bad almost constant. I don't solo run on my guardian a lot cuz of dps n a slow class. I usually just dungeon run in groups which might be a factor.
Steps to replicate:
1. Log into my guardian fighter any zone with a fight that will down the character will do, or more specifically in a dungeon in a group setting to be more accurate to my playstyle.
2. Initiate an emoticon and watch the orange zone chat saying you're initiating an emoticon and see if the character even moves.
3. If a mount is accessible try a stationary jump (mounts don't actually jump stationary, they roar or twirl etc etc, yet nothing happens on my char)
4. Watch that soulforge symbol if its actually active or not.
5. Die and see if the soulforge procs, try in a group and solo.
6. If nothing seems to be amiss, rinse and repeat because this happens fairly often.
The worst bit of this is the soulforge malfunctioning and giving me a bajillion injuries, I'll try to remember to take a clip for u guys.
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I have no idea if this helps or not, but my guardian has the enclave garden key, didn't earn it on my guardian but used it on my guardian, I was told it would be active on all chars after that but it never really was, however the other day I got my hunter up there, every once in awhile I check the door with other characters cuz sometimes I get up there, but that basically the only difference between my characters.
I also have the juggle emoticon available on my guardian which by the way was earned where the garden key was earned.
Well remember how I said when I try to activate an emoticon and it says in zone chat that my character is doing an elite but nothing is happening.... Well when I press the juggle emote... Nothing happens, chat says nothing too.
I'm jumping to conclusions that this all has to do with the anniversary protectors enclave event xD