This is an idea specifically for the developers and the Arc company, not a lot of people play tiamat since mod 5.
We lost a lot of players since mod6 because the game was different, harder, we lost more than half the dungeons etc etc the point is that there's a lot of new players who don't even know about Tiamat or how it goes but since it's so new and strange and people are off doing the new campaigns and pvp there's no one out there to beat Tiamat or teach new players how to correctly fight Tiamat and complete it now etc etc.
My suggestion isn't to nerf Tiamat at all but to actually put up a few products in the Zen market so that you as a company can earn a bit of money and give players the incentive to try Tiamat again.
My ideas would be to sell a Tiamat specific buff, either massive health, dmg buff, defense buff, or a combination of the those, or maybe even a type of one use consumable flash bomb or a push bomb specifically for assisting on defending the clerics, these consumables could only be used in Tiamat or else they wouldn't work, let's call them Elministers last stand or something.
Lastly since no one's even bothering with the tyranny of dragons campains anymore and not opening up the tiers in the well of Dragons anymore why not sell an item in the Zen market to boost up the tiers just like dragon hoard coins or the coffers do, except it be worth 1500 points for the hoard, basically it would buy you 1 linu favor.
You guys have such things for strongholds why not a few other such things for the other campaigns?
500 zen to buy the equivalent of 1500 points towards the well of Dragons hoard, yeah I'd buy that, I'd buy more too if I wanted maybe extra for the artifact gear too.
I'd say maybe between 200-300 Zen for some sort of 1 use consumable buff in tiamat, and 300-500 Zen on those Tiamat specific flash bombs or push bombs.
Yeah I'd totally buy a couple of each, I'm sure others would too. Combined would probably give everyone incentives to start up and do the tyranny of dragons campain and try and finish and complete Tiamat.
This would make you guys money so why not.
As a side note buffing up the boons a wee bit in the tyranny of dragons would also give an extra incentive, especially since the later boons require a loooooooot of linus favors, which btw some people would just outright buy those points to get linus favor right off the bat.
Money for you!
And incentive creative way to think about tyranny of dragons, this idea could work for the other campaigns as well.
If you can't beat 'em, arrange to have them beaten.
You seem to forget they are a business and since thier game is free to play they need money for upkeep and debugging and to stay online, or have you forgotten.
It's not a lot, just a couple of boosts/buffs it's not a huuuge game changer there it's just a little somethin somethin for the players and gives them a wee bit money.
Lastly I imagine it would cost them a whole lot less in programming and redesigning to make a buff than to rework all of Tiamat just to nerf it, or did u even bother to think about the big picture.
Come on don't be like how everyone was with Destiny, everyone cried about it having certain OP weps and they Nerfed a whole lot of stuff trying to keep peeps happy and no one was happy, they just threw the nerf hammer around.
This game is an MMO STRATEGY game, go look up info tweak, ur build, the game is as it should be, Tiamat IS endgame content, it is meant to be hard.
However for those people who refuse to adapt or don't know how, there is an option, which would be my ideas, and even if you personally choose not to purchase it, it benefits all anyways, just like how a person with VIP12 benefits thier party etc etc.
Like the stronghold boost/items that you buy from the Zen market... Its an option not a must.
Complain all you want but they are a business and they do need money and these ideas do not change the actual gameplay/programming a whole lot compared to nerfing the whole fight.
Castle Never was endgame content and it was hard for new players but when you get a strategy going you could speed run it legitimately in like 20 minites, same goes for Tiamat. Except everyone is doing the new campaigns and new players don't know how to play Tiamat correctly... That's not an in game issue Thats just laziness, not bothering to pre prep look up guides or fix ur builds or get better gear etc etc.
I keep checking up on Tiamat every once in awhile and just like in mod 5 the biggest problem is people not knowing how to use the frikken Dragon gem stones... That there is lack of knowledge.
This game has no instructions, u better look it up or ask for info. However if u would rather be stubborn n not do any of that, buying a buff/boost thats perfect for you, plus helps you out even if you do know what you're doing, it helps carry the whole team through Tiamat not a lot, but it's somethin.
Some people would drop actual money on the game outright orrr people who have figured out how to earn and survive and make thier own money would also still Prolly buy it, but it wouldn't be a necessity just a wee boost
This isn't just about buyable points for the hoard tiers tho... Its about also buying a wee buff or consumable specifically for Tiamat for those new players who are too stubborn to look up a guide or strategy or don't know how... Or even just to make it a tiny bit easier with more knowledgeable crews.
And yea I keep looking at those coffers coins they're decently cheap the 1st couple pages but the price goes steeply up.
I believe that another issue is that her resistance is nearly 80% instaed of the arm pen 60%
thats OK- she is a tough girl- queen of dragons
-comparing this to Castle Never isnt good analogy:
castle never was beat on 1st attempt by me and gildies (3 boss tries and a win!)
umm, and I had a 10200 GS then with still 2 blue weapons - try tha twith Tiamat
-nosir -now we are up to EPIC and still not a good chance at a win- unless you get in when "those guys" are playing and happen to get into thier instance- I guess
-I have had about 10 tries at Tiamat in the new mod- only once were we 2 heads away- others were a wash or only get 2 down total- and we mostly ALL know the strategy now- its just not do-able
BTW- I have more than 50 wins each across 6 tunes- BEFORE the new mod: 0 after...HMMMM
-I get its "end game" castle never was too at the time- and may come back again, but you must be talking about end game in 2 years when we are all built up from the next 3 mods- thats what it feels like...
before we hoped for "no idiots" in the run )you know : correct color on each head- bla bla)
now aparently we pray to hopefully chime in when the big dogs run it and hope to be in thier instance
I would say " its ALOT different" now
-Id still like to hear that the DEVs and MODs ran it with 2300 IS level players (NOT in god mode) and defeated it..
-Ill give you ALL afternoon to try guys...
The analogy of CN to Tiamat wasn't supposed to be equal value of thier challenges it was to be about strategy and for those people who clearly didnt know the strategy to either, not everyone is as gifted as you on CN a whole lot of 10k GS's struggled on CN. The analogy was supposed to tell you about the Learnng curve on CN and it's strategy, meaning the learing curve on CNs strategy is basically the same as Tiamat, i.e. once you learn the strategy, build yourself up, learn tactics, better builds, get better gears etc etc you do those runs with far better ease. That there was the point of the CN Tiamat analogy, and it's perfectly legitimate.
You are running off topic, this isn't a let's nerf Tiamat thread, this is a thread in favor of developing buffs or consumables or special coffers to buy off the Zen market to make the game developers a bit of money and help teams beat Tiamat and open up tiers easier to help new or knowledgeable players.
You complain of Tiamat having Soo much more defense and requiring so much more armor penetration having sooomuch more HP...
You're forgetting...
1. You're a lvl 70 now you got so much more going for you, use your character class to the best ability (look up mod6 builds if you have to, mod6 aint no mod5.... so adapt)
2. You're not going solo against this dragon, up to 25 people are throwing debuffs on the dragons, dmg buffs on the players, and also using artifacts. Potentially if 25 people who were experienced and throwing good buffs around and had good builds you'd have easily waaay more than 60% or even 80% armor pen that you just claimed, at any given time.
3. You have waaaaaaay better gear now, enchants go to rank 12, better gear is cheaper to get, so get new stuff if you are struggling, or get upgrades.
4. Stat caps no longer exists which means you no longer have diminishing returns, if you choose to raise your armor penetration outrageously high you can do just that, so what if you 'd have to keep a separate Tiamat gear set just so you don't swap around gems, people keep separate PVE and PVP sets, why not a Tiamat endboss content set.
Tiamat is exactly the same, exact same strategy, but all those new players dont know that syrategy. She's only level appropriate for us now since we are all level 70's now and are all buffed up, the only real difference from mod 6 to mod 5 is that no one is winning because we are all waiting for the inexperienced to catch up on the strategy. I remember when mod6 first dropped and omg them epic dungeons seemed sooo hard, even hard if you had a bubble pally, but now a couple months later it's a cinch, no pally necessary, full dps too if you're good enough.
People havn't adapted to Tiamat yet cuz they have no strategy or experience for it.
Btw it's not nice to call inexperienced players "idiots" where are your manners.
The devs would Prolly easily win it... You know why? Cuz they know the strategy, know the ins and out of the game, classes, and builds, but also because if they all played together and not with randomss they'd all be able to coordinate properly and get it done. Plus I bet they could do it with minimum item level characters, or at least a healthy mix of high and low.
You are playing with inexperienced randoms, what else do you expect... Cookies?