There are many great weapon and armor skins which are no longer available to players. I'd love to see them brought back, but as no-cost transmutation items. Here's how I'd implement it:
Option 1: Create a white, green, blue, and purple weapon and armor transmutation item. When you go to apply the appearance to an item, using this, you are presented with a popup menu, which contains all of the appropriate item appearances that are of the rarity of the token you are using. You can see the item in the preview window, so you know what look you're going to get.
Option 2: Add a selection of predefined appearances as no-cost transmutation items, to the various vendors mentioned.
What do you think?
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"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony StarkOfficial NW_Legit_Community Forums 0
There's not a lot of reason to run Grey Wolf Den, but if it could drop Frostwolf Pelt again I'd be more likely to do it. And if the drops weren't bound so they could be sold on the Auction House then it would create motivation for people to run it even if they didn't want that particular transmute.