Poison Clan is a small guild made up of mostly veteran players, with a handful of newer players we're helping along. We currently have 31 active gamer tags with over 55 toons.
Our players are in the UK, the US, Sweden, and Canada. Most of our players are in their 30s or 40s. We have both men and women, players between ages 22 and 55, and focus on inclusiveness - we want our players to feel welcome, not harassed - though most of us do have an abrasive sense of humor.
Before we promote someone to full membership, we like to give them a week or so to see if they fit in.
We've got solid communications channels outside of the game to help you grab friends for impromptu dungeon runs, or dailies, or just to get advice from guild mates who are stuck in the real world doing those job things.
We are working on tools that will help you manage the game better. Several of our members are software engineers.
Our GH is Rank 4, Marketplace 2, working on the Mine now.
We're looking for level 60+ players from all classes -Tanks, DPS and clerics (haste and debuff preferred but we work on tactics for all group mixes).
No player is ever just a number - no donations are ever required to belong to the guild - and we treat you exactly the same way we'd want to be treated if we were a new player joining their first guild.
We help you with your gear. We will help you complete your dailies. We will help you get your boons. We'll teach you your class mechanics, tactics and strategy, and how to make AD.
If you're not 70 yet, you won't be alone. At almost all times, we've got veteran players leveling alts to 70. Our guys are friendly, give smart advice, and are excellent companions during a stinky part of the game.
Once you hit 70, we'll help you get geared to run T1s, power you through T1s to get geared for T2s, and then help you earn your T2 gear.
When we're working on seals for new 70s, we tend to brute force them through dungeons.
When we're doing runs for fun, we do any and all combinations, from 4 tanks and a haste to 4 DPS and a debuff cleric, to a traditional GF, heal cleric and three DPS.
If you're interested in a test run with us, add my GT to your friends list and shoot me a message - or email pc at dsr7 dot com - and I'll get you an invite as soon as we can meet up.
Thank you for your time! Doug
In-Game Guild Invite Contacts (you can also search for our guild to find players online for invites):