I loved the idea of this Module, there just isn't enough new Underdark content. I thought the Salvatore quest line was a lot of fun, but I finished it the first day. Whats left for me is the HE's that I don't find to be fulfilling. I want to explore VAST expances of the Underdark.
Why scatter the Demonic HE's all over the existing Campaign maps when they could be inn the Underdark where they are supposed to be. Make at least 5 maps the size of the Strongholds map with entrances to Illithid bases, the Abolethic Sovernty, Duregar strongholds, Drow fortifications (Bregen Dearth maybe, Jarlaxle has a small army after all). Maybe a series of maps where you actually work to clear the Drow out of Gauntlygrym and fight the Demon invasion coming from Menzoberanzan?? SOOO many opportunities here.
The Underdark is one of the most incredible settings to build on and the "Underdark" Module barely even scratched the surface.
There's a guard standing at a barricade in Mantol Derith who won't let you past; this is an obvious place for an added area.
good new? im done with the campaign and the whole mod in 10 days more. Getting the 1/85 orange drop is out of what my math consider luck.