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Goristro and building threat!

omgudied2omgudied2 Member Posts: 73 Arc User
OK OK what am I doing wrong with Goristro he comes at me like maybe 2 times or 3 at most? how should I be attacking him to have him red line me 100%. I can line him up but he is going for others. I am an OP Tank!


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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    It seems like he randomly picks people to charge.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
    Aggro is useless against Gori, just line yourself up and wait. He seems to prefer those not in line with the yellow runes more often. ;)
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    hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    It's definitely frustrating. I was spamming Mark with my GF, poking it over the shield, bashing with the shield, and it would just ignore me.
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    evaliraevalira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 245 Arc User
    Yeh, I've done this with 5 classes now and he only goes for any of them when I don't want them to. My DC was reviving someone - he went for me. My GF gave up trying to aggro the thing and then he went for him. I stand near a yellow portal and when it changes to black he goes for me.

    It is so frustrating and one of the worst things I've seen in the game, but I suppose he can't just go for tanks, otherwise there's no purpose for the other classes that phaze.
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    snottysnotty Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 476 Arc User
    The irony of the underdark campaign is the fact that its all based on skirms/HEs/boss. While a nice break from the ol' 3 daily quest set up of the other mods, this complete switch is annoying. Why not give us the option to do both? I mean we have daily and weekly caps for the new campaign items so why not let us choose how we earn them?

    Tired of quests? run some HE's. Tired of HE's, run some quests.

    But making everything new base solely one Skirm/HE/boss fights is going to get old real quick. And I can tell you in all honestly, once I get all the boons and the twisted weapons, Im not running any of these except to help out guild members.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Ya in general I dont like it either.. they did it as a artificial gate to try to get people to pay for keys. Which makes me never want to pay for keys.

    Im a little tired of them gating things behind paywalls, its like EVERYTHING in game has to be gated behind a paywall.

    You not only need to do epic demo 40 times for each toon, but have 300 freezies (yes I know thats not right, but thats what I call them in my head) for a key for each demonic ichor..

    per toon per day TO also get a key, thats two runs on demo (gold, gold, gold) to get those.. or a mixture of everything.

    The problem then lays in the fact, HOW long will we have these weapons (and I DONT even want them, I WANT my sh weapons, which they basically now have locked out for everyone!)

    What a cluster.

    AGAIN.. total lack of feedback taken, when we said we are tired of not being able to play alts .. due to stuff like this.. Remember when you got a decent weapon from a t2, then farmed ancient, then did the old vt or mc grind instead? Then some of my alts had black ice weapons instead.

    Even when they first put artifact gear out. They gave us dragon weapons.. that were really good alternatives while you farmed stuff.

    Now..? The best you will get that isnt a artifact is the enscrolled mully weapon for your class, which is of course out of the lockbox.

    What a joke overall.

    Point A.. they release weapons WAY, WAY to often. I mean , a artifact EPIC weapon should LAST at least 1 year total.. AT LEAST.
    Point B.. gawd, ya, another artifact RP rip off, where we constantly lose 20% of our RP every time. I never have enough RP.. I cant even get most alts to purple between every rip off.
    Point C.. They way..WAY overly complicate items, then stuffed a paywall in. REMEMBER when you RAN stuff and they THEN in turn gave you stuff for running it? Not anymore.. now you have to grind or BUY a key as well.
    Point D.. BY constantly having to shift ARTIFACT gear into the game, they also increase power creep, because who in thier right mind would bother otherwise, so every time, it has to be another 5-6-10% more dps on everything!

    Frankly, the future of this game is thus .. EVERYTHING will get a paywall.. sometimes doable without it sometimes NOT at all doable without it.

    When a playerbase just accepts these things and refuses to stand on items that en-crouch on enjoy-ability, this is the end result.

    Its as much our fault as its the companies. =( a total fail on every-ones side.

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    omgudied2omgudied2 Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    Yea I basically said to heck with the new weapons for now and just keep grinding POM for the orange rings... I have done about 30 runs about half I got gold but I have popped the chest every time (all chest pops have been blue rings except for 1 purple), so I now have like 3 extra purple rings but still no orange yet. I am also very disappointed with the fact i cant gear up my alts! its just impossible at this point
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    namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    omgudied2 said:

    Yea I basically said to heck with the new weapons for now and just keep grinding POM for the orange rings... I have done about 30 runs about half I got gold but I have popped the chest every time (all chest pops have been blue rings except for 1 purple), so I now have like 3 extra purple rings but still no orange yet. I am also very disappointed with the fact i cant gear up my alts! its just impossible at this point

    The orange rings are suppose to be very rare drops. Most people will never see one. You don't need the orange ring to gear up your toons. You are setting the expectation that the orange ring is required. The purple rings are pretty good and they drop more frequent.
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    ultradd#1718 ultradd Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Just go to well of dragon and you'll have a ton of farezees in one hour.
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    jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    I've noticed that as mentioned he seems to ignore threat completely, GF is my main, Extended Threat, Enforced Threat, Lunging Strike and purple Dread Warrior, nada. I'm also a Conc and if I focus on DPS'ing I aggro him much more often. The only problem then is if I move an inch to aim him his aim moves 90 degrees. GWF's are prolly better at aiming him as they can run straight towards the yellow, making it much easier to get him to hit the mark.
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