i am a Haste DC, at 2.2 IL (i need to raise this) my XB1 GT: Lord Endermen, i am 19 years old, i do a excelent job at keeping the AP up but will not just be for be used for keeping the AP up, i can take a group through ECC on my own (as long as the DPS is high) if i need to run with a guild for tryouts i will do so, i am also in Central US timezone and a college student with a oncall job, so i may need to go at random moments
7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
I have doubled checked, the messages were sent to Lord Endermen . Are you sure that is the exact the correct spelling
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
If for some reason there is still an issue. In game go to the find a guild section in the menu. Search for "the Legendary Outlaws" then it will allow you to message an officer online from in game
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
I will present you my bid as to why you would be a good fit at Cold Blooded. We here are and always be a dominant PVE guild though we run a decent amount of PvP. We run fast and hit hard then rinse and repeat. We strive for harmony within our halls and groom out members to the point where they are comfortable starting their own pre-mades up with new found friend. We have a solid core of Guild officers that help all of our new members with either leveling or acquiring the gear they need to progress. Currently we have too few of active healers and you would address a need of ours while we could do the same for you. Our guild is hovering above 70 GT all active throughout the week/end and we have some casuals as well. The heavier of our hitters play from 8 pm - 3 am EST running PVE, PvP, and of course Siege. I would be happy to speak with you on XBL or here in message. Thanks for the consideration and happy hunting.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"