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Developer Note: State of Astral Diamonds



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    kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    I applaud the idea that EACH quest should give some minor AD together with exp and some resources.

    We all need the AD, all other things are 1% necessary for end game. So this will ensure solo players to get at least some AD's along the way.

    Bots you say? yeah, they will always be around. But yet again, folks have reported them in EE zones farming nodes for weeks/months still they do they job just fine.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
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    free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Although I know it's well intended, what I see here is an attempt to flood the economy with ADs without a corresponding counterbalancing act to flood the economy with sufficient goods (drop rate - RNG). What happens when the number of goods stay the same but there's an increase in money supply? In the very first place, it is the scarcity of goods that drove up prices. It is the high prices that gave the impression that unless you are able to earn a "reasonable" rate of ADs you will not be getting anywhere - aka the AD wall. Which is why you see people going out of the way to train multiple leadership. When everyone gets more money, does it do anything to close the income divide?
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    kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    Which flood you're talking about?

    I do not think raising our daily income by 12k AD would be a flood.
    Not all of us actually make this kind of AD during the day.

    Taking into consideration how much AD was in the circulation when we have LS armies, this increase is like a drop in the ocean.
    I do like this change, now dev's should do something useful with LS like adding HS vouchers to the loot table.

    Throwing a solo players a bone with giving them some RAD for each quest they take is a nice way to keep some of these players.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
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    ilusiphurilusiphur Member Posts: 34 Arc User

    Still to little to make much of a difference, especially for the casual player. But I guess you first have to care about them in order to listen to them.

    This. I hate to say it, but I really feel as though I am being punished for playing by the rules.

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    khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    So ... there's an increase in how many ADs we can refine a day. I never reached the 25K cap since the Leadership changes, but ok you're rewarding players that spend a lot of time in the game, fine. There is an increase of 50% in AD rewards from daily weekly content, and this affects everyone - cool, thank you very much. Pretty good over all.

    Then you decrease the cost of upgrading companions by little. Considering out AD farming possibilities, that's not impressive at all.
    And that's about it...
    To whom is this even acceptable? You unbalanced everything, and it takes you forever to fix it. First the M6 thing, now ADs. When is this gonna be a proper, functional game again?
    Post edited by khimera906 on
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
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    djmaximodjmaximo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 8 Arc User

    Well met, adventurers!

    Executive Producer, Rob Overmeyer addresses the state of Astral Diamonds and discusses major changes going forward. Take your time to read his note and leave your feedback here.

    Thank you!


    Moderator Note:
    To keep feedback in one place for the Developers, an earlier posted large thread has been merged into this one, so some of the early replies may seem out of place. Sorry for any confusion. Please carry on.

    I know the only safe amount that can be obtained in astral diamond per day is 26k this to salvajear pieces, since we do not get an artifact sinturon every day to sell at auction and raise the gain, I think we should be able to refine more diamond less
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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    ilusiphur said:

    Still to little to make much of a difference, especially for the casual player. But I guess you first have to care about them in order to listen to them.

    This. I hate to say it, but I really feel as though I am being punished for playing by the rules.

    Exploiters win, exploiters never get punished, exploiters grind the little guys into dust.
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    marsambassadormarsambassador Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    Well, I think it's a great step in the right direction. I like the increase of AD for things I'm doing. HOWEVER, I'm doing a lot of things to make AD that I would prefer not to do at all. Like play Temple of Spider twice a day with every character. I'm really, really, really sick of that. I'd rather be able to play ALL content of the game and not repeat grind something. I also have to imagine that me zerging my GWF through ToS to finish it in 7 minutes is negatively impacting the experience of a party member that's in there for the first time and doesn't want to race through it.

    Other thoughts:

    1) Boons need to be more affordable. I'm broke all the time because nearly all my AD is being sucked up by boon advancement. I want to play this solo and campaign content for boons, but I can't afford boons unless I do NOT play solo and campaign content. Do you see the conundrum there?

    2) I'd still like to see AD added to solo and campaign content. The solo player still has no way of making any AD in this game short of selling lvl 70 blue items and invoking. That needs to be addressed. I'd like to see EVERY quest give AD. Very small amounts that add up over time. It is the "currency of time", after all. In fact, I'd love to see AD drop from monsters like copper does and how black ice does in Kessel. Piddling amounts that add up over time. I'd also like to see AD awarded at level increase, scaling increase to really reward higher level characters for their time and effort.

    3) Companion upgrades, while a price drop is appreciated, it's not nearly enough as far as 'value proposition' goes. Why would I pay 800k AD to upgrade my white healing companion to Purple when I can buy a purple healing companion in the AH for 150k AD? The option is there for me to upgrade, but it makes zero sense for me to do so, so it's really not a viable option at all. The rate of return is marginal and thus a waste of my precious AD. I really would rather have a reasonable way of upgrading existing companions than having to buy new ones in the AH. No such reasonable way exists. Upgrading my very first companion provides an emotional continuity of gameplay that would prove very rewarding.

    4) Gear transmutes should be a few thousand AD at the MOST. Why would I ever pay 50k AD to change the look of a single gear item? Making it affordable means more people will be able to do it. This variety would go a long way in allowing players to feel unique. Or instead of charging AD, sell very affordable Transmute Tickets in the Tarmalune Bar, thereby adding yet more appeal to the VIP program.
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    stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User

    And nothing of these changes really affects me. I cant make 24k a day because there IS NO WAY TO GAIN AD IN THE GAME. You can make it 1m AD, still wont give me more AD unless you add more ways to gain AD.

    Ignorance of how to make AD is your sin here. Learn or return to Minecraft.

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    ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    stpensive said:

    And nothing of these changes really affects me. I cant make 24k a day because there IS NO WAY TO GAIN AD IN THE GAME. You can make it 1m AD, still wont give me more AD unless you add more ways to gain AD.

    Ignorance of how to make AD is your sin here. Learn or return to Minecraft.

    What if you want to pvp..?
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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Both the rewards per dungeon and the cap are being increased by 50%. So ignoring VIP, you can earn 9k rAD for running your first two dungeons, plus up to 10.5k rAD for running dungeons, including bonuses on the first two.

    Example: you really, really like eLoL and run it until you hit the AD cap. The new numbers:
    run 1: 4500 for 1st dungeon + 600 bonus AD for running elol: 5100 rAD total
    run 2: 4500 for 2nd dungeon + 600 for running elol: 10200 rAD total
    run 3: 600 for running elol: 10800 rAD total
    run 4: 600 for running elol: 11400 rAD total
    run 17: 600 for running elol: 19200 rAD total
    run 18: 300 for running elol: 19500 rAD total (lowered bonus because you capped out)

    Edit: this is obviously not the optimal way to earn rAD. Different dungeons give different bonuses (Malabog's Castle will be 1125 per run 3-man ToS will be 225), and it is more time-effective to run 2 dungeons and 2 skirmishes and salvage the drops. If you run eLoL and KR twice, and get a total of 5 blue rings to salvage you will net 30.6k rAD.
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    rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Now if you read the feedbacks (and complaints) you have to notice that are at least 4 points that are almost an agreement:

    Give a small AD portion for each quest done in the game (or at least on LV70 maps) i know is hard and will take some time, but is by far the best way to measure real play time; and people that play the game, (because do the same dungeon all the time is not play)

    Lower the Appearance change prices no need to explain here they are really absurd atm....

    Lower Mount training stuff and allow us to buy bufs for them, seriously, Axe beak bonus is soo good that no other mount seems to be usable anymore, we want to upgrade event mounts or normal horses but is expensive and not rewarding...

    Bring the old dungeons back

    Post edited by rafaelda on
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    s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    i guess i will just copy and paste on my discussion with the game master specialist here since this is the feedback i receive from a lot of active players on xbox1 and this will help resolving the AD issues, botting and also buying AD from 3rd party website

    there's a couple of ways cryptic is able to resolve that issues by creating your own market place of buying and selling AD, set a more competitive price of buying and selling zen and AD than those AD seller, as we are not able to farm those gear from dungeon and sell it on the trade house anymore by doing that you are literally destroying the 3rd party website of selling AD and ZEN the AD seller once and for all and avoid further issues that is impacting other normal players like us that spends not only our hard cash buying the zen but also lots of time grinding for refinement point to enhance our in game character or toons.

    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
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    mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    rafaelda said:

    ... seriously, Axe beak bonus is soo good that no other mount seems to be usable anymore, we want to upgrade event mounts or normal horses but is expensive and not rewarding...


    Just wait until we get the Veserab, my HR Trapper is looking forward to it, just hope the bonus stays the same as it is now...
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    angerfistxxxangerfistxxx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    The rent is too damn high. Do you even know what you are writing means? Let's say that you are correct in your assumption that the average XBOX player is earning 39,000 per day (which is bs). To earn enough for a companion upgrade from to Orange would take 25 days of grinding and not spending one single AD.

    I agree with players that BOON costs, mount upgrades and transmuting has NOT been addressed. It's way too high! My POS mount is way too freaking slow. I get left behind in raids and group events.

    Also, what about these useless seals? The gear that we can get for 60 and below is as a Scottish person would say, complete HAMSTER. Why cant we convert them in to something useful?

    Additionally, salvage is bullshite. We cannot salvage hardly any gear and the price we get from vendors in useless gold is pathetic. I only recently saw that I had one piece of gear that I could use to refine another piece. I had no idea, but it only gave me 150 refinement points and it cost me like 5000 AD to get. It's not at all fair.

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    erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    I have to say I have been very disappointed with the changes to astral diamonds as well as the supposed fixes that have been added.

    First of all, they ruined leadership. They took the diamonds out of the recipes but did not change the time it takes to perform them. There are a ton of recipes on leadership that take huge amounts of time, far greater than the rewards they offer, because the diamonds were removed but no other changes were made. They need to go back through leadership and change all the recipes that used to have diamonds as part of the rewards and either lower the times, increase the rewards, or both. These changes don't have to be huge. For example, the last recipe that used to give a chest and 2000 diamonds with a 24 hour cook time could be changed to give 3 to 6 chests instead (and still stay 24 hours).

    The other problem is that I find myself getting 3000 AD a day most days now. I realize that people botted leadership and ruined the economy, but the answer was not to destroy leadership but to limit alts. I have one character. I have always had one character. I have been playing since the game started and have never had more than one character. That means the most AD I have ever refined in a day has been 24,000 AD. I earned most of my AD from leadership, but I was not an exploiter. My AD dropped from an average of 24k a day to just over 3k a day when they changed leadership and none of their supposed "fixes" do anything to change that. I would love to see diamonds added back to leadership with a limit on how many can be refined per account. Invoking and leadership were never the problem. The problem is people that have 50 characters that are each allowed to earn 24,000 AD per day. That was very common and that is where the flood of AD came from. The refinement cap on AD should be per account rather than per character and at that point you can have less time demanding ways to earn AD without having too much AD inflation in the economy.

    Thus far I have continued logging in to invoke on my one character (mostly because it is a several year long habit), but if something isn't done to make passive earning of AD more productive I can easily see myself just giving up and leaving the game forever. Knowing that I was building up AD to purchase things with is what kept me motivated to log in. Now that it takes me a week to earn the same amount of AD that I used to make in a day, I just don't have the same motivation to bother. Raising the refinement cap to 36,000 won't fix this as I get no where near the cap anymore anyway.
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    totallynotadrowtotallynotadrow Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    I'm a causal player and I've bought things with real money because I like the game.

    Probably some stupid, inefficient things, but hey, they made me happy. I did some Leadership but could never afford better assets for it and scrimped and saved my way to a little under a million, then the Fire Nation attacked AD got taken away but I still needed to buy things. I hit the refining cap FOR THE FIRST TIME since Leadership was nerfed because I bought an assload of Coin Purses which I turned into boxes and got lucky enough to kind of get a return on the ~36K I spent on the purses in the first place.

    I really, really, really wish that there was a tutorial on the ZAX; because all I know is I put in 44 Zen last night after reading the post and got like 17k AD back. No notifications about my offer being accepted, no actual way to accept someone's offer; it was literally like buying AD and I felt a little strange about that. If it's so critical to the economy (if not the game itself), why isn't more energy being put in to explain to players how it works?

    ... I'd rather be able to play ALL content of the game and not repeat grind something. I also have to imagine that me zerging my GWF through ToS to finish it in 7 minutes is negatively impacting the experience of a party member that's in there for the first time and doesn't want to race through it.

    I just hope that you're not cursing at the first timers like too many PUGs I've been in. We are slow because we have been tricked into thinking that dungeons are actually campaign content and no one is ever kind enough to lay some ground rules about how we are going to speed through this dungeon and go back to our separate lives.

    1) Boons need to be more affordable. I'm broke all the time because nearly all my AD is being sucked up by boon advancement. I want to play this solo and campaign content for boons, but I can't afford boons unless I do NOT play solo and campaign content. Do you see the conundrum there?

    Also VERY THIS. Dungeons and skirmishes (even campaign-themed dungeons and skirmishes) aren't campaign content; they are a job at this point. Give me a reason to go through all the Vigilance Tasks and actually fight Gar Shatterkeel, et al that actually matters, like Astral Diamonds, maybe. A sack of diamonds at the end of a quest path (or maybe even as a collection reward? What are we supposed to do with collection points anyway?) would be great incentive to stay in a zone and do everything there. I've leveled 3 characters to at least 60 so far and have as yet to spend more than 10 minutes in Helm's Hold fighting devils. Not because I was so leet I zerged it, but that it never seemed worth the time.
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    soltaswordsoltasword Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    Look, there are NO new ways to make AD. NONE. It is still just running dungeons, skirmishes, pvp, and the weekly quests in the campaign zones. That is it for ways to make AD. So, why is Cryptic still quoting make AD for playing the game when they added NO new ways to make AD. You get more AD for doing them, but you still have to run the same boring HAMSTER all the time in order to get that AD. That has not changed and Cryptic still did not listen to their players asking for MORE ways to make AD. I am sorry, but this is really a pathetic attempt to improve making AD in game. They completely ignored everyone's suggestion about more ways to make AD for ACTUALLY playing the game. Why doesn't every quest give AD, why can't I earn my AD cap without having to run just dungeons, skirmishes, pvp, weekly quests. I really don't see anything in this post to get excited about. Sorry Cryptic, but you still utterly missed the mark.
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    angerfistxxxangerfistxxx Member Posts: 10 Arc User

    Look, there are NO new ways to make AD. NONE. It is still just running dungeons, skirmishes, pvp, and the weekly quests in the campaign zones. That is it for ways to make AD. So, why is Cryptic still quoting make AD for playing the game when they added NO new ways to make AD. You get more AD for doing them, but you still have to run the same boring HAMSTER all the time in order to get that AD. That has not changed and Cryptic still did not listen to their players asking for MORE ways to make AD. I am sorry, but this is really a pathetic attempt to improve making AD in game. They completely ignored everyone's suggestion about more ways to make AD for ACTUALLY playing the game. Why doesn't every quest give AD, why can't I earn my AD cap without having to run just dungeons, skirmishes, pvp, weekly quests. I really don't see anything in this post to get excited about. Sorry Cryptic, but you still utterly missed the mark.

    I completely agree.

    Oh and FFS take AD off of the requirements for Boons. That's ridiculous.
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    Look, there are NO new ways to make AD. NONE. It is still just running dungeons, skirmishes, pvp, and the weekly quests in the campaign zones. That is it for ways to make AD. So, why is Cryptic still quoting make AD for playing the game when they added NO new ways to make AD. You get more AD for doing them, but you still have to run the same boring HAMSTER all the time in order to get that AD. That has not changed and Cryptic still did not listen to their players asking for MORE ways to make AD. I am sorry, but this is really a pathetic attempt to improve making AD in game. They completely ignored everyone's suggestion about more ways to make AD for ACTUALLY playing the game. Why doesn't every quest give AD, why can't I earn my AD cap without having to run just dungeons, skirmishes, pvp, weekly quests. I really don't see anything in this post to get excited about. Sorry Cryptic, but you still utterly missed the mark.

    I completely agree. I fail to see how mindlessly running the same 3 dungeons and skirmishes over and over again is more legitimate game play then the rest of the game. It is just as much of a brainless grind as leadership armies, only with the a added fun of doing so with people that, at best, only annoy you. At least with leadership armies I never wasted a day because of the failures of others. Or had to depend on people who I might not even be able to communicate with. That isnt game play, that isnt entertainment.

    They want to reward actual game play, fine I'm all for it. Just give me something more then doing dungeons and skirmishes.
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    veirfourveirfour Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    FWIW I didn't have 10 or 20 (or more) 'toons doing Leadership tasks to make major AD. The 'exploit' was allowing too many toons/alts to begin with. Nerfing Leadership wasn't the best idea. (Generally I only have 2 or 3 active, any extras I deleted.)

    And like many others on here--surprise! I have a life. Which means I can't sit in front of the computer grinding through dungeon & skirmish over and over to earn AD. Most prices for halfway decent stuff is *still* up there, price-wise.

    Companion price drops--a step in the good direction but I don't think you should have to spend more than 1 million AD from White-Green-Blue-Purple-Orange. If everything's so hunky dorey then orange/Legendary should be hard enough to attain by spending 500,000 AD.

    Mount upgrade prices--no change. Disappointing.

    And...now back to the real world.

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    therealairheadtherealairhead Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    thx Rob, it all makes sense now. I bought account slots you sold, did leadership on them as directed by your community moderators as a means to make the AD needed to advance my toon, and you've basically called me an 'exploiter' ?!
    (well, pretty sure I'm not a 'bot', although sometimes playing these games I can start to feel like one).

    I also like the contrast in your last paragraph: 'looking out for exploits, watching "honest" players", as if what? I'm not 'honest'?

    With somebody like you at the helm, it seems pretty clear to me why this game has been tanking...

    (and off to the pit we go! woohoo!!)
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    nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    ilusiphur said:

    Still to little to make much of a difference, especially for the casual player. But I guess you first have to care about them in order to listen to them.

    This. I hate to say it, but I really feel as though I am being punished for playing by the rules.

    Exploiters win, exploiters never get punished, exploiters grind the little guys into dust.
    Exactly which exploiters do you refer to mate? Be specific. Be factual. Or stop crowding this channel w/ banalities.
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    nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    I have to say I have been very disappointed with the changes to astral diamonds as well as the supposed fixes that have been added.

    First of all, they ruined leadership. They need to go back through leadership and change all the recipes that used to have diamonds as part of the rewards and either lower the times, increase the rewards, or both. These changes don't have to be huge. For example, the last recipe that used to give a chest and 2000 diamonds with a 24 hour cook time could be changed to give 3 to 6 chests instead (and still stay 24 hours).

    The Underdark patch has addressed this issue.. somewhat. Take a hard look at the leadership mishes now, you'll see it. But they SHOULD reimplement AD's to most, if not all, of the Rare mishes. Right now none that I've seen today are worth running.

    The other problem is that I find myself getting 3000 AD a day most days now. That means the most AD I have ever refined in a day has been 24,000 AD. My AD dropped from an average of 24k a day to just over 3k a day when they changed leadership and none of their supposed "fixes" do anything to change that. The problem is people that have 50 characters that are each allowed to earn 24,000 AD per day. That was very common and that is where the flood of AD came from.

    Actually, Anyone w/ over 20 alts is the problem. That's twenty or more alts AFTER the pally intro. Why 20? Simple.... I ask you this. Why would ANYONE NEED more than TWO alts per class? Answer... They DON"T. Unless they are using those alts for something BESIDES playing the game normally. Really, this whole issue is on PW and Cryptic. They didn't cap alts way back when. They saw someone buying alt slots as a way to make money. More toons, more money spent. NOW they're punishing the majority of the players who DIDN'T ABUSE the system. Truly sad really.

    Thus far I have continued logging in to invoke on my one character (mostly because it is a several year long habit), but if something isn't done to make passive earning of AD more productive I can easily see myself just giving up and leaving the game forever. Knowing that I was building up AD to purchase things with is what kept me motivated to log in. Now that it takes me a week to earn the same amount of AD that I used to make in a day, I just don't have the same motivation to bother. Raising the refinement cap to 36,000 won't fix this as I get no where near the cap anymore anyway.

    You and many others mate. The state of Ad is fracking ridiculous right now. And I take exception to the attitude of the guys running the show. See http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9656413.

    I quote again: "We realize the Leadership changes were rough on some players, but they really did help:
    •In July, PC players were earning 171,000 AD per player. But if you take out the Leadership exploits, it was only 34,000 AD per player!
    •In October, after the exploits were addressed, and the new AD sources were in place, the average was 60,000 AD per player. So most players were making a lot more.
    •On Xbox One (where the botting was not an issue), AD per player went up from 32,000 to 39,000 from July to October.
    •On PC, the Zen/AD Exchange in July continued to be capped out at its maximum of 500. This means many trades did not go through for weeks or even months. But by October, the Exchange was working smoothly again, and the people who wanted to use it could."

    An EXPLOIT, by DEFINITION, IS doing something in the game that is either NOT supposed to happen or is happening because of some sort of programming error. And by doing it you earn monies (AD in this case) that you SHOULD NOT, but are because you are USING said EXPLOIT. Classic example here is back about a year or so ago when apparently you could enter negative amounts of AD, I think in the AH, and the system would give you BACK positive amounts. In the same value as the negative one.

    So it really FROSTS me to be called an "exploiter" when I was using a legitimate part of the game AS DESIGNED AND DEVELOPED. Oh, and BTW, I have 9 toons NOW. For my first year or so I ran FOUR.

    "Nuff said!
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    regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,044 Arc User

    ghoulz66 said:

    ilusiphur said:

    Still to little to make much of a difference, especially for the casual player. But I guess you first have to care about them in order to listen to them.

    This. I hate to say it, but I really feel as though I am being punished for playing by the rules.

    Exploiters win, exploiters never get punished, exploiters grind the little guys into dust.
    Exactly which exploiters do you refer to mate? Be specific. Be factual. Or stop crowding this channel w/ banalities.
    Read the Dev note, the latest AD exploit is even named in it.
    Is that fact specific enough for you?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
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    nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    ilusiphur said:

    Still to little to make much of a difference, especially for the casual player. But I guess you first have to care about them in order to listen to them.

    This. I hate to say it, but I really feel as though I am being punished for playing by the rules.

    Exploiters win, exploiters never get punished, exploiters grind the little guys into dust.
    Exactly which exploiters do you refer to mate? Be specific. Be factual. Or stop crowding this channel w/ banalities.
    Read the Dev note, the latest AD exploit is even named in it.
    Is that fact specific enough for you?
    No, actually, it's not. See, YOU failed to cut and paste said comment about exploits. Like I did in the post JUST above these.

    PLEASE GO READ that same post. You might learn something. Like how the devs are Mislabeling things. Not to mention Misrepresenting. See, I have read the dev post. And well, they're wrong. Oops. Might help if they used the right terms and did their math right. See my post on page FIVE for clarity.
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    regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,044 Arc User
    First, i also don't agree on the Leadership and AD exploiting part mentioned in the Devs note.
    Second, but i do agree on the other named AD exploit in it.

    Exploit fix: There was a severe AD-farming exploit involving Planar Idols and Astral Resonators (items that appear in certain older lockboxes). Earlier attempts to fix them did not work. So we’ve changed how they work completely — they still give the same amount of AD to anyone using them without the exploit, but the exploit should no longer be possible.

    Now you might not agree with me here, but that's fine with me.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    Thank you for the feedback all.

    Just to clarify on some things.

    Dungeons - You want them. We want them. They are not forgotten and will be returning. I promise there is a lot of validity in complaining the there is not enough variety in the modern dungeons.

    Variety - Beyond dungeons variety is something the community team is asking from the devs. Please do keep giving feedback that you want more choices on how you gain AD.

    This is not the end - This is just another step along the path as we have been saying since the removal of AD gains from Leadership. The devs are continuing to make calculated changes to improve the economy of both Xbox and PC servers. While we all wish there was a magic wand to make things perfect now this is not an easy task and all changes, no matter how small, have to be carefully considered and planned out. As such, while we understand it is frustrating we all do have to remain patient.
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