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The Knights of the Blood Oath Recruiting

Good day my fellow we of The Knights of The Blood Oath are looking to strengthen our ranks.
We are a friendly bunch and are down for just about anything with an emphasis of PVE.
We are currently working on our Stronghold.

Anyway let me just throw up some info for all.

Guild Leaders: Eri Shadowfox. -
GT: CloudShadow3131

Kara Cloudfire/Raven Kirigaya -

Feel free to contact us.

We ARE currently recruiting
We currently have 58 Gamertags out of 150 and 79 Characters out of 500
Our current goal to max out our players but with reguarly active members.

Our main time zone in Eastern Standard Time.
Our Leaders are on the eastern seaboard or the USA and are usually on between 8pm and 12 pm EST.

Anyway hopefully this is helpful for those looking to join a Guild and if you have any questions we are always happy to help.
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