This issue has existed since TEB was released. It's 100% repeatable and the causative factors are well known.
The thorned root feat in the HR trapper tree causes "Strong Grasping Roots" to be upgraded to "Thorned Roots" which causes a bleed of 200% of your weapon damage every second. It is supposed to cause 250% of weapon damage to CC immune targets. However if you are wearing an TEB it will proc the bleed tics approx ~ 31 times killing the wearer of the TEB unless they are cleansed or healed.
Repro steps:
1) Log in with a HR that has the "Thorned Roots" feat from the trapper tree.
2) Use any ability that applies "Strong Grasping Roots" such as "Constricting Arrow" or "Hindering Strike" on a target wearing Transcendent Elven Battle Enchantment.
Observed result:
A bleed tick from Thorned Roots will begin to tic on target until target is dead, ticking up to ~ 25-30 times
Expected result:
250% of weapon damage applied to target once as he is CC immune with TEB or if considering 80% immunity with TEB then a bleed tic of 200% of weapon damage that applies for the duration of grasping roots.
The duration of strong grasping roots is normally only 1 seconds on players, however it can be increased by the "Ancient Roots" feat (increases strong grasping root by 2.5 seconds on players) and the capstone feat "Biting Snares" (Increases control duration by 60%) and all these are increasing the length of the bleed tic which I believe may be increased by 80% instead of rduced by 80% that TEB is supposed to cause thus causing the damage tics to proc incorrectly.
This singular feat has destroyed Elven Battle Enchantment for PVP. Why not simply be rid of the bleed tic portion or, even easier, make TEB CC immunity for the sake of this one feat so that it reads TEB as cc immune and procs one time damage?

On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
