this part of the forum seems massively under utilized compared to other gaming forums I've been on that have this sort of sub forum. So write a little paragraph about you. what do you like and dislike about this game. What keeps you coming back to this game/what got you hooked?
what else do you do for fun? what part of the world do you live in? what other games are you looking forward to? ect. these are just some examples but write whatever you want.
me I'm a middle aged female gamer. Married/ no kids/ three cats. I'm in the Pacific Northwest area of the USA. Currently unemployed but the plan is to learn coding and do something with myself other than the redonkulous amount of gaming I do. I'm looking forward to Tomb Raider in a few weeks. Nothing much else coming out this year.
If I want to get pvp in I slip on over to halo. Just finished Halo 5 a couple days ago. It was really good over all but the story line was a little meh. I've never been super thrilled with the psychobiatch AI. It makes halo come off as super sexist (especially with the weird lack of clothing they have traditionally outfitted her with (or un-outfitted as they case might be) the new male AI is basically wearing all the clothes in the closet..
lol ah well, Le sigh and all that. Tomb Raider isn't much better as far as that is concerned but at least you can put clothes on her if you so desire.
Pet peeves about Never winter are long and numerous but the biggest head scratcher is pvp... the imbalance... basically they should take away all powers but the at wills to give it a little balance.
The thing that got me hooked was those darned lock boxes. I'm a sucker for a closed box. I must know what is there. basically all the little treasury things they do. skill nodes. hidden pouches of various kinds so on and so forth. the other was the AD exchange - playing the stock market with play money for tangible in game rewards. that's awesome stuff. Granted, I don't know this game well enough to predict it terribly well yet but learning it is a game in and of itself.
your turn.. GO!
To me, gaming is sweet because I can be social without being social. No offense to anyone but I hate people (no, not YOU, just everyone else).
Specific to MMOs like this game on who's forum we are on, I only play one toon. Period. How people can play multiple toons I don't understand. My toon is me. I identify with him and try to make him the way I would like to be in whatever world I am playing in. When my toon dies, I die.
In FPS I always played a medic. I like the support class because, like in sports, I take as much pleasure in a sweet assist as I do in a goal. Also, I like to be that guy in the background that makes a difference.
Specific to Neverwinter, I play a GWF since it is most similar to the Blademaster class I played in another MMO (did I give something away there?). I think, the thing I like most about the GWF class is Unstoppable. I freakin love it when I'm being beat down by a mob of bad guys and then BOOM I'm huge and kicking azz. It's like Neo when he's in the train yard and all the Smiths come from everywhere and he's buried by them all and then he goes Beast Mode and flings them all away. Love that HAMSTER.
Ok, well, I'm done with my 'after work beers' so I'm going home. See ya in game! o/ ( if I don't say HI, see paragraph two
it's such a different culture on xbox. ps4 just doesn't have any games right now.
I have 4 chars, 2 at 70. it is a lot of work but I like the variety and the extra resources professions on more than one toon gives you.
I love this game. I like the challenges, even when I bitched the entire time with my haste Cleric, because soloing was almost impossible (I got creative and learned how to use her for the most part when I am on my own and people in the gaming world are awesome about jumping in an helping out).
My only issues I have had with this game is the struggle with drops (such a low rate now) since the update. And the fact that I worked so hard on my char's, that when the change happened it tanked my gear. I struggle to keep up and gs changed, but it still seems to be the most relevant thing in completing dungeons (epics) and in trying to find groups. I wish you would find ways to keep old gear relevant even if not equal, so that we have the ability to use it while earning the new stuff without it being such a struggle.
Been playing Neverwinter for quite sometime now. Mostly started out solo but around level 60 I found a guild to join. Since then I have been working at hitting that 70. Well, payed off I'm now fresh 70 with a item level of 2081 at the moment.
I left the game a while back cause of Destiny. That didnt go well cause I played way too much of it and I got bored. So I came back to Neverwinter. I find my rewards, leveling and social aspect of the whole game way more funner then Destiny. Had more fun working on my Scourge Warlock then I ever did with my 3 toons on Destiny.
I'm 33, a dad of 2 little girls. So my game time is usually at night around 7pm to the wee hours of the morning. (That is if I dont get old man syndrome and fall asleep while doing a dungeon, OOps). I love anything comics, art, gaming and doing Cosplays for conventions.
Anyways, that my little story.
C you all online perhaps,
I am from the upper midwest of the US. Not quite at the Canadian boarder but close enough to the arrowhead, if you know maps you might figure out what state I live in.
I downloaded Neverwinter because my gaming buddies were playing it and crying they needed someone else to hang out with. That and a free to play MMO (and download too) is right up my alley. I roll an OP (no I didnt pick it for the bubble originally) that is 70 and I have a DC at 60 and a SW that just started. Not really looking forward to them gutting my pally but not much I can do about it. Still I have a good time and met some really awesome people on Neverwinter.
I game casually so I dont try to invest in anything really. I also work two jobs so I dont have nearly as much time on my hands as I used to. Teaching special education is a lot of work (teaching is period). But we do what we have to do.
That being said if you see a terrible pally running around called Kat Silverhawk then say hi and I just might say hi back.