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Balancing characters

Ive got an idea which will make your amazing game the most balanced game. Get rid of percentages and use numbers to make it easier for balancing with armour and makes people know they are progressing in the end game and make armour more definded for that class the armour should buff stats not give stats like guardian fighter armour should mainly give defence and hit points not power crit and lifesteal. Also you need to get rid of life steal of different classes because its pointless to have that stat instead just focus on the stats that matter for that class. Plus defence could work as a number easily. Example for defence if a guardian fighter has 1000 defence and they get hit for 1500 they will only lose 500 health this does mean that you need to ditch defelct or use it to buff defense like it could have 50 percent to buff defense after getting hit by the number so if defelct is 200 and defense is 800 when they get hit there defense could get increased to 1000 for 3 secounds or somthing like that please think about it I would love this to happen so does my guild and few other people ive spoken to would love to explain it someone as it would be easier but I do hope this made sense and thatnks for reading this. Plus I actually want to be game designer so i know how hard it is to re do a whole games stats especially a game this big and this in depth. Please reply so i know what you think


  • sh00termcl0vinsh00termcl0vin Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    Stat points are easier to deal with and can be adjusted just as easily. Since they effect percentages if they need to do future patches to fix things, these changes can be easily accommodated. Raw numbers don't scale the same way. Also most people would argue that something like 50% damage reduction is easier to understand than 1000 defense reduced damage by 1000. All MMOs do it this way for a reason. I would just get used to it.
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